Fawcett Crest |

For the Love of
Peanuts Fair, top corners torn |

It's For You
Fair, cover torn, missing corner |

Good Ol' Snoopy (Fawcett
Crest) (minor creases)

The Wonderful World of
Peanuts Good but cover shows wear,
creases $2

There's No One Like
You, Snoopy" Good, small tear on
cover $2

We Love You
Snoopy (fair; pages good but cover shows
wear) $1 |

What's It All About Charlie Brown?

Who Was That Dog I Saw
You With Charlie Brown? (good condition) $2 |

You're My Hero Charlie
Brown (good condition)
Golden Books

Snoopy's 1, 2, 3

Snoopy's ABC's

Snoopy's Book of Colors

Snoopy's Book of Opposites

Snoopy's Word Book
Holt, Rinehart
and Winston

As You Like It, Charlie Brown (cover in fair
condition but inside is good)

Go Fly A Kite, Charlie Brown

Good Ol' Charlie Brown

It's a Dog's Life Charlie Brown

More Peanuts


Snoopy, Come Home

We're Right Behind You, Charlie Brown

You Can Do It, Charlie Brown

You Can't Win, Charlie Brown

You Need Help, Charlie Brown

You'll Flip, Charlie Brown

You're Something Else, Charlie Brown

You're You, Charlie Brown
Rinehart and Winston |

Good grief, more Peanuts!

Peanuts Every Sunday

You're Out of Your Mind, Charlie Brown
Owl Books - Peanuts Classics |

And a Woodstock in a Birch Tree

Duck, Here Comes Another Day

Dr. Beagle and Mr. Hyde

It's Great To Be a Super Star

Peanuts Every Sunday

Summers Fly, Winters Walk |

Thank Goodness for People |

You've Come a Long Way, Charlie Brown

You're The Guest of Honor, Charlie
Books |

"Unseen Peanuts" - featuring over 150 classic
previously "lost" strips from the 50's and 60's


Gold Key Comic - Charlie Brown and Snoopy
watching TV

Gold Key Comic - Charlie Brown artist
painting Snoopy |
Miscellaneous |

A Charlie Brown
Dictionary (Scholastic) - 2400
words defined, over 580 pictures


A Charlie Brown Christmas (minor cover
wear) |

A Charlie Brown Valentine (Little
Simon) New |

An Educated Slice - starring Snoopy as the
World Famous Golfer
A collection of cartoon strips with a golf

And the Beagles and the Bunnies Shall Lie
Down Together - The Theology in Peanuts - book of cartoon
Be My Valentine Charlie
Brown (Scholastic Book Services) Good |

Being a Dog Is a Full-Time Job - a collection
of comic strips

Bonjour Peanuts! - black/white cartoon strips
in french

Charlie Brown's Super
Book of Things To Do & Collect
(Random House) |
Charlie Brown's Super Book of Questions &
Answers (Scholastic, Inc) water mark on bottom
edge of front cover but mint otherwise

Could You Be Mor Pacific - Peanuts Collector
Series #8

Happiness Is A Warm
Puppy (Scholastic Book Services) cover shows
some wear

He's Your Dog Charlie
Brown (good condition)

It's A Big World, Charlie Brown - collection
of colored strips (160 pages)
It's A Mystery Charlie
Brown (Scholastic Book Services)

It's The Easter Beagle,
Charlie Brown (Little Simon)

It's The Great Pumpkin
Charlie Brown (Scholastic) (price written on front

It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
(Signet) (good condition)

It's The Great Pumpkin
Charlie Brown (Duracell Batteries)

Make Way For The King
Of The Jungle
A collection of Peanuts cartoons with Charlie
Brown and his new camp romance, Peggy Jean, Snoopy as
world-famous attorney, Lucy, Linus and his security
blanket and the rest of the gang.

Peanuts - Sept 18, 2000 - Jan 19, 2001
The Ohio State University Cartoon Research Library - 60
pages from the Peanuts exhibit

Peanuts Cook Book
(Scholastic Book Services) Good
Pet Snoopy - aids in development of sensory
skills; pet Snoopy, squeeze Woodstock, touch smooth beach
ball, feel the fuzzy blanket, strum the guitar and open the
shutters. New

Snoopy's Facts &
Fun Book About Planes (Happy
House) Mint

Snoopy Collection Book - includes pictures of
various Snoopy products MIP

The Doctor Is IN - Life's answers (and much
much more)
postcard size book with comic strips of Lucy
doling out advice

The Gospel According To

The Peanuts Platform (Hallmark)

The Snoopy
Festival (HRW)

Trick Or Treat! A Peanuts Halloween
collection of more than 100 Halloween strips

Why, Charlie Brown, Why?
A story about what happens when a friend is
very ill

You're Barking Up the Wrong Tree, Snoopy!
You're In Love Charlie
Brown (Signet) Mint