2004 Event Bears -
set/2 (50009) (picture) |
$18 |
Agnes MacBear - Canadian
Exclusive (94294PO) (picture,
left) |
$36 |
Al'Berta B. Bear - Canadian Exclusive, Ltd. Ed. 10,000 (BC94277) (picture) | $40 | |
Alissa Angelhope 12" (83004) (Retired, 2000) (picture) | $25 | |
Alisa R Angel - Starlight Children's Foundation. (51112-1) (picture) | $24 |
Alissa Witebred
(912070) (picture) |
$28 |
American Cancer Society -
Spring 2008 Bea 94244ACS |
0.8 |
American Cancer Society -
Spring 2009 Carrie 94248ACS |
0.8 |
American Cancer Society -
Spring 2010, Birthdays R. Hope (94250ACS)
(picture) |
0.8 |
American Cancer Society -
Spring 2011, 94252ACS Liv N. Hope (Q2) |
0.8 |
American Cancer Society -
Spring 2012, 94254ACS Shar N. Hope |
0.8 |
American Cancer Society -
Spring 2013 - Ray O. Hope 94256ACS |
0.8 |
Angel 8" (94885GCC) 2000 GCC Exclusive (picture) | $30 | |
Apple of My Eye
(94605POG) |
$20 |
(94861GCC) 5.5" tall with "HO! HO! HO!" pillow |
$12 |
Ashley R Angel
(5115-1) Starlight Edition (picture) |
$17 |
Aubrey (94863 - GCC) (picture) |
$35 | |
Aubrey Tippeetoes (912054) (picture) | $21 |
Aunt Fanny Fremont (918350) (picture) | $18 |
Auntie Autumn & Lil
Harvey - show special 3 piece (#919827) (picture) |
$65 |
Auntie Edna - QVC Special (picture) |
$112 | |
Autumn (14") & Fallston
(6") with wagon/pumpkins - QVC Limited Edition 3,000
(99677V) (handle & screws to attach to wagon included) (picture) |
$98 |
Bailey - Spring 1996 QVC
special #9199-05/C18397 includes extra purple velvet dress |
$125 |
1.1 |
Bailey - Spring 1997 Ltd. ed. #9199-07 (Lavender & Pink) (picture) | $39 | |
Bailey & Matthew w/ornaments (9224)
(Retired) (picture) |
$85/set | |
Bailey - Fall 1997 (9199-08) (picture) | $35 | |
Barkley McFarkle 9" (51750) (Retired) (picture) | $12 | |
Baxter T. Birch
(#9690HM) Hallmark Exclusive |
$25 |
Bedford Boneah II - 14" (582910-05) (Retired 2001) (picture) | $29 | |
Bee Mihoney (94602
POG) (picture) |
$16 |
Betsie B. Jodibear (92000-07) (picture) | $15 |
Bianca Witebred 8" (912076) (picture) |
$28 |
Big Pig, Little Pig -7" & 9" Candian Exclusive (BC94279) (picture) | $55 | |
Billy - Coke
bear (919914) (picture) |
$13 |
Birthday's Happy - Judith G
Exclusive (picture) |
$24 |
Bixie - velcro paw pads,
white jointed rabbit from Bears In The Attic series
(56501-10) (picture) |
$27 |
Bonnie (913951) (picture) | $15 |
Boris Berriman (918021) (picture) | $15 |
Bosley (91561) qty = 2 (picture) | $14 |
Brandon A Bearski - 16" (94886GCC) 2000 GCC Exclusive (Q2) (picture) | $48 | |
Brevin B. Bearski set/3,
bear with large & small penguin (#99722V)-
QVC (picture)
$60 |
Brianna Tippeetoes (#913959) (Retired) (picture) | $17 | |
Brigham Boneah (58291) (picture) | $17 |
Byron, black cat (5940) 8" |
$22 |
Caitlin Berriweather
(0200-31) (picture) |
$26 |
& Little Scruff - Members only #0200-51 (picture) |
$35 |
Cameron W.
Bearsmark Hallmark Gold Crown Exclusive
2002 9691HM |
$25 |
Campbell Marie
(#919838) (picture) |
$16 |
Casimir B Bear
(94858) GCC Bear with 2 Sweaters (picture) |
$37 |
Cassie Cooper - Daycare
Extraordinaire (904404) (picture) |
$ |
0.5 |
Catherine Bearriweather
& Lil Scruff
(02000-51) (picture) |
$35 |
Chanel de la Plumtete - 6" bear (9184)
(Retired 1999) (picture) |
$15 |
Chardonnay - 7.5" jointed hare wearing
carrot hat (Retired 1998) (picture) |
$29 |
(9153) (picture) |
$30 |
Clarion Festival 2001 - Bradie B. Bearsley (Q2) (#99096CL) (picture) | $35 |
Clarion Festival 2002 - Thurston Bear (#99097CL) (picture) | $35 |
Clarion Festival - The Well Read Bear with book (#99099CL) (picture) | $35 |
Cookie Gimilkin (5306) (picture) | $18 |
D/SAOC - Domestic/Sexual
Abuse Outreach Center Boyds Plush
(picture) |
1.0 |
Daisy Bearlove
(#94530KR) Kirlin's Exclusive, Ltd Ed 7200 (picture) |
$45 |
Delmarva V. Crackenpot (91002) (picture) | $14 |
Destiny Angelbear
(94893GCC) (picture) |
$37 |
Dilly McDoodle - 9" (Retired
1999) (picture) |
$14 | |
Dorchester Catsworth with Artie 10" (919760) (picture) | $28 | SOLD |
Dustina Do It
All....Domestic Queen (94657GCC) (picture) |
$23 |
Edmund - Ltd. Ed. (9175-01) Spring 1997
(picture) |
$24 | |
Edmund T. Bear (9175) (picture) | $21 |
Edna May (56201-02) (picture) | $17 |
Elder & Newton - signed
by Stacy Bailey 2004 (#50011) (picture) |
$29 |
Eleanor 6" (1998-31) - 1998 FOB Member's
Only (picture) |
$30 |
Elisia P. Bearypoppin - 5 piece set, QVC Exclusive
#1192/2400 (picture) |
$145 | |
Emily Babbit - Spring 1995 (9150-01) (picture) |
$42 | |
Emily Babbit - Spring 1997
(9150-07) (picture) |
$32 | |
Emily Babbit - Spring 1998 (9150-09) (picture) | $30 | |
Emily Babbit 8"- Spring 1999
(9150-11) (picture) |
$34 |
Emily Babbit 6" - Fall 2001 (Retired)
(9150-17) (picture) |
$29 |
Emmy Lou 10" (91001) Retired
1996 (picture) |
$35 |
Endora Spellbound 10" (81004)
(picture) |
$38 |
(Retired) (picture) |
$36 | |
Faith N. Dreams
9692HM - Hallmark Exclusive |
0.8 |
Father Chrisbear -
#388/750 Ltd Ed (picture) |
$225 |
Felicity N. Hugs #1 Mom (510301-01) (picture) | $15 |
Fetchin P Patch (81005) (picture) | $32 | |
Fifi Farklefrost 9" (91361)
(picture) |
$20 |
Flora Thanksabunch 8" (903026)
(picture) |
$14 |
(02001-31) (picture) |
$22 |
Gannon Bear (94883GCC) Fall 2000 GCC Exclusive (picture) | $37 | |
Genevieve Rose Frostbeary, 5 piece set -
Ltd Ed 40,000 (picture) |
$115 |
(562449) (picture) |
$10 |
Grandma Bea - holding tea pot
(#903081) (picture) |
$29 |
broken |
Gretchen Marie Pearsley -
12" (904161) (picture) |
$32 |
Gwinton - 8" (918910-06) (Retired 1999) (picture) | $25 | |
Hanna 7.5" (91111)
(picture) |
$24 |
Hans G. Berriman (91392B) (picture) | $15 |
Hare, brown/white jointed rabbit from Bears In The Attic series | 1.1 |
Havarti Chrismouse (94864GCC) 1998 GCC Exclusive (picture) (picture) | $29 | |
Heidi May Patchberry
(#94919COL) - GoCollect internet exclusive |
$35 |
Henley Fitzhampton (912034) (picture) | $10 |
Holly Kringlefrost - 2006
Macy's Christmas Exclusive - bear in red fur-trimmed
dress (94175MA) (picture)
(picture) |
$35 |
Hsing-Hsing Wongbruin (51540-07) (picture) | $17 |
Huck (918051) (picture) | $9 |
Huney B. Keeper (91774) (picture) | $18 |
Hunnie Z Beazley -
10" (904114) (picture) |
$25 |
Honey B. Mine - Parade of Gifts, 14"
(94576POG) (picture) |
$32 | |
(903064) (picture) |
$12 |
Hopkins 10" (91121) (picture) |
$27 |
(picture) |
$9 |
I.M. Uproarius (55220) (picture) | $12 |
Indy "Camp Beari Briar" (91757-14) (picture) | $10 |
Ingrid Witebred - GCC Exclusive (picture) | $30 | |
Jack B Nimble - Judith G Collection
(picture) |
$25 |
Jack B Twinkletune (50007) 7 3/4" musical
plays "Claire de Lune", Fall 2002 Event piece, 1st in
Musical Treasury Series (Q2) (picture) |
$30 |
Jack O Lantern
(919631) (Retired) (picture) |
$26 |
Jackie - Member's
Only (#2007-52) (picture) |
$29 |
Jackie Pott (Bingo
Bear) (903019) (picture) |
$13 |
Jacqueline K Bearington -
QVC 900520V (picture) |
$156 |
Janet C
Daisydew (919822) (picture) |
$22 |
Jean - Canadian Exclusive, 14"
(BC100905) (picture) |
$29 | |
Joe - 10" Canadian Exclusive
(BC100508) (picture) |
$38 | |
Joe - 12" Canadian
Exclusive (BC100905) |
1.5 lbs |
Johnny - Coke
bear (919912) (picture) |
$20 |
Julie Ann Gingerbeary & Cookie - 3
piece set; Ltd Ed 4,000 (picture) |
$85 |
Kelsey (picture) |
$46 |
Kissa Bearhugs (82026)
(picture) |
$12 |
Kitt Purrsley (91711) (picture) | $15 |
Krystal Pennybeary - JC
Penney exclusive (Q2) (#94381JCP) |
$42 |
Lauralee Pearsley -
16" (904160) (picture) |
$52 |
Lavina V. Hariweather (91661) (picture) | $16 |
Leonardo - Judith G exclusive (Q2) (picture) |
$28 | |
Lester - Canadian Exclusive,
12" (BC100705) (picture) |
$29 | |
Libby Bunster (#916502) (Retired) (picture) (picture) | $45 | |
Lil Love - Longaberger
Exclusive (#94629LB) (picture) |
$25 |
Lindsley Lady Bug - Gold
Edition (919830) (picture) |
$30 |
Liza J. Bearijam (910061) (picture) | $13 |
Lizzie Wishkabibble- 10" 2000 Fall Special Event (Q4) (picture) | $38 | |
Lola Ninelives (919751) (picture) | $18 |
Longaberger Exclusive -
Recipe For Friendship (94630LB) (picture) |
$65 |
Lynette Bearlove (918433) (picture) | $13 |
Mae I Love Ya (94594POG)
(picture) |
$19 |
Maggie B Bearheart -
10" (904082) (picture) |
$23 |
Witebruin (94866GCC) (picture) |
$58 |
Margaret Hollybeary
(94587 POG Exclusive) (picture) |
$35 |
Margarita (picture) |
$20 | |
Margo DeBearvoire
(#904227) (picture) |
$14 |
Mary Alice
(94849GCC) Ltd Ed 3,000 (picture) |
$28 |
Matilda Baahead (55200-01) (picture) | $12 |
Matthew - 20th Anniversary Bear (picture) | $30 | |
Matthew (91756-08) (picture) & Bailey (9199-08) - 1997 Fall Exclusive | $34/each
$64/pair |
Melvin Sortalian - musical
(2001-51) (Retired) (picture) |
$35 | |
Michaelangela- 2 pc set - Judith G exclusive (Q2)
(picture) |
$32 | |
Mikayla Springbeary (912624) (picture) | $38 |
Mike B.
Rescuebear (903110) (picture) |
$15 |
Mindy Witebruin
(94867GCC) (picture) |
$35 |
Miranda Cherrybeary &
Bing - 16" (904090) (picture)
$45 |
Momma Bearsworth (14") with Mary-Margaret
(8"), Stuart (6") & Frame - Ltd. Ed. 27,500 (picture) |
$102 |
Momma McFuzz & Missy (910080) (picture) | $27 |
Momma O'Harea & Bonnie Blue
(91008) (Retired) (picture) |
$37 | |
(02002-31) (picture) |
$20 |
Mr. Bayberry (917314)
(picture) |
$35 |
Mr. Jones 16"
(#5896-08) (picture) |
$49 |
Mr. Kringle (#904211) |
$45 |
Ms. Rouge
Chapeau (picture) |
$30 |
Nicole & Amy Berriman
(99721V) - QVC Ltd Ed 3,000 - 3 pc set (picture)
$97 |
Niklas / Father Christmas - 2 piece set, QVC Ltd Ed
#1633/18000 (picture) |
$150 | |
Nurse Betty Pan
(#903065) (picture) |
$25 |
Nurse Trueheart
(903075) (picture) |
$15 |
Oliver Bearlove
(82024) (picture) |
$22 |
Ottilie Wilhemina (#94860) GCC
Exclusive (picture) |
$38 | |
Paddy O'Beara - 8"
(903305) (picture) |
$17 |
Paige Willoughby (918351) (Retired) (picture) | $23 | |
Patricia Cooksbeary (Longaberger Baskets Exclusive) (94630LB) (picture) | $65 | |
Penny Whistleby (in black trunk)
(picture) |
$53 | |
Percy, 5.5" bear (5725-11) (Retired
2001) (picture) |
$15 |
Pierre - Canadian Exclusive, 14"
(BC100908) (picture) |
$35 | |
Prissie Hopplebuns (912082) (picture) | $22 |
Prudence Bearimore
(912053) (picture) |
$30 |
Punkin Puss (#9179) (Retired)
(picture) |
$40 | |
Putnam with Kent
(C41090) (picture) |
$78 |
Rachel & B Bearilove - 10" (910070) (Retired) (picture) | $29 | |
(-1996-31) (Q3) |
$33 |
(912665) (picture) |
$30 |
Rudy Z Mooseburg (94875) GCC Exclusive (picture) | $30 | |
Rupert B
Shutterbear (9203-01)
(picture) |
$28 |
Sammy Sue (94928GCC) - 2000 Catalog
Exclusive, jointed ornament (picture) |
$18 |
Sangria - 14" hare (9110-05) (Retired 1999) (picture) | $25 | |
(94288) Canadian Exclusive (picture) |
$39 |
Snuffy B. Barker (5405) (picture) | $12 |
(#5201) (picture) |
$25 |
Starry - (94284PO) Canadian Millenium #1099/3600 (picture) | $34 | |
Sterling 25th Anniversary,
2004 (#500200) (picture) |
$32 |
Stevenson Q. Bearitage (91736) (picture) | $23 |
Sugar Beary Jam - 2004
Membership Exclusive (02004-31) (picture) |
$18 |
Sydney G. Bearsmark
9696HM - Hallmark Exclusive |
$27 |
Taddy (561942) (picture) | $8 |
Tami P. Rally 10" (917367) (Q2) (picture) | $31 | |
Teddy B Bear -
Special Event (50004) (Q2) (picture) |
$25 |
(Retired) (picture) |
$19 |
Thor M Berriman 12" (91734)
(picture) |
$42 |
Tippy Beartoes
(903400) (picture) |
$16 |
Turner & Kris (94888GCC) 2000 Fall GCC Exclusive (picture) | $21 | |
Twila Higgenthorpe (#91843) (Retired) (picture) | $20 | |
Valerie Bearhugs
(#510301) (picture) |
$20 |
Vanessa D LaPinne - 10" hare (91662) Retired, 2000 (picture) | $33 | |
Velma Q Berriweather "The Cookie Queen"
(01996-51) 1997 FOB Member's Only (picture)
$65 |
Veronica Bearskov - 2000
Platinum Edition (919807)
(picture) |
$70 |
Waldo Bearsworth (912045) (picture) | $23 |
Watson - 8" bear in bunny suit (9187)
(Retired 1999) |
$27 |
Wayfer North (917360) (picture) | $23 |
Wayne B Bear - Canadian
Exclusive (94295PO) (picture,
right) |
$38 |
Worthington Fitzbruin (912032) (picture) | $21 |
Yogi (91771-02) (picture) | $18 |
York (picture) | $12 |
Yu'kon B Bear - Canadian Exclusive, Ltd Ed 10,000 (BC94278) (picture) | $38 | |
Zack - QVC edition, 8" lion
(#C37283) |
$23 |
Zelma G. Berriweather -
Member's Only #01998-51 (Q2) (picture) |
$49 |
Pooh plush with resin ornament (21343) (picture) | $65 | ||
Tigger plush with resin ornament (21345) (picture) | $65 | ||
BDP-01 | Pooh - - issued in 1998 (Q2) (picture) |
$32 | |
BDP-02 |
#18325 Piglet "Hope" - issued in
1998 (picture) |
$32 | |
BDP-03 |
#18326 Eeyore "Joy" -
issued in 1998 (picture) |
$32 |
BDP-04 |
Tigger "Ho! Ho!" - issued in1998
(picture) |
$35 |
1996 Friends of Boyd's
Collector's Club Kit - includes Uncle Elliot pin; Uncle
Elliot "The Head Bean Wants You" bearstone figurine; and
Raeburn plush MIB (picture) |
$135 |
4814GCC |
Tatyana - 3
pieces (picture) |
$45 |
4901 |
Victoria City Doll - 3
pieces (Ltd Ed 12,000) (picture) |
$135 |
4902 |
Emily, the Future - 4
pieces (picture) |
$130 |
4904 | Betsy, Sail Away - 3 pieces (Ltd Ed 12,000) (picture) | $110 | |
4917 | Cheryl w/ Ashlie- 3 pieces (Ltd Ed 12,000) (picture) | $75 | |
4905 | Ms. Ashley, the Teacher - 3 pieces (Ltd Ed 12,000) (picture) | $90 | |
4903 | Laura, First Day of School - 3 pieces (Ltd Ed 12,000) (picture) | $105 | |
4914 | Melissa ballerina (Ltd Ed 12,000) (picture) | $75 | |
4926 | Taylor w/ Jumper- 3 pieces (Ltd Ed 12,000) (picture) | $72 | |
4928 | Alyssa, Caroline & Carla (Ltd Ed 18,000) (picture) | $72 | |
4933 |
Meredith with
Jacqueline...Daisy Chain (Ltd Ed 16,000) 3
pieces (picture) |
$98 |
4937 |
Christa with Harvey...Back
to School (Ltd Ed 16,000) 4 pieces
(picture) |
$98 |
4944 | Amanda & Mille, The Hat Shoppe - 4 pieces (Ltd Ed 12,000) (picture) | $79 | SOLD |
ITEM # | QTY |
227742 |
1 |
Bearymuch "Yours Truly" (picture) |
$17 |
227723POG |
1 |
Ada Mae...Cherries
Jubilee (picture) |
$41 |
228314 | 2 |
Alexis Bearinsky - GCC Exclusive (picture) | $45 | |
228366 | 3 |
Amanda & Michael "String Section" (picture) | $36 |
654282 |
1 |
Flight (GCC Exclusive) (picture) |
$21 |
4016614 |
2 |
Annie Nursley & Her Lil
Friends "All Better Now" (picture) |
$25 |
2277965 |
1 |
Annie, Tex, Jack &
Chip.. . Shuffle Up & Deal (picture) |
$42 |
228326 | 2 |
Aunt Becky & Zack "Quality Control" (picture) | $32 |
02003-21 |
Aunt Birdie
Berriweather...A Sprinkle a Day (Boyd's FOB Club
piece) (Qty 1)
(picture) |
$37 |
94575 | 1 |
Bailey "A Little Bit of Honey" - 1998 POG Exclusive (picture) | $29 | |
2000 |
1 |
Bailey Bear with Suitcase (picture) |
$45 |
227712GCC |
Bailey As The Bride (GCC
Exclusive) (picture) |
$45 |
CB9401 |
1 |
Bailey...In The
Orchard (picture) |
$45 |
2003-71 |
Bailey's Ol' Trunk with A
Mother's Love...Grenville with green scarf, Father
Christmas & Son Neville, The Bedtime Bear, Bailey Bear
with suitcase (qty 2) Club Membership Figure (picture) (picture) |
$70 |
227712 |
4 |
Bailey The
Bride (picture) |
$38 |
227704 |
1 |
Bailey "Poor Old
Bear" (picture) |
$36 |
2260 | 2 |
Bailey The Honey Bear (picture) | $20 | |
2277999 |
1 |
Barbara Gentletouch &
George...Sweet Distractions (picture) |
$20 |
2277910 |
1 |
Becky & Tom
"Simpler Times" (picture) |
$28 |
4033633 |
2 |
Ben & Edy Sugarbeary
Summertime Sweets "Everything is Sweeter When
Shared" (picture) |
$39 |
228394 |
5 |
Bessie Winsalot...Bingo!
(picture) |
$26 |
2002-71 |
Betsy B.
Bearamerican...Celebrate America (8"tall, no
box) (picture) |
$20 |
2277911 |
1 |
Betsy Rossbeary "A
Stitch in Time" Ltd. Ed.
6,000 (picture) |
$20 |
654295 |
B. Hopplewite, Esquire -
scene in sugar egg (picture)
(Q3) |
$20 |
24102 |
1 |
Birthday bear #3 - H.K.
Beanster (picture) |
$16 |
24103 |
1 |
Birthday bear #4 - P. S.
Beanster (picture) |
$16 |
24104 |
1 |
Birthday bear #5 - L.T. Beanster (picture) | $16 |
228357 | 1 |
Blade Hattrick "He shoots, He scores" (picture) | $18 |
228420 |
1 |
Blink, Hush, and
Shush...You Know the Drill QVC Premium Edition of 1800 (picture) |
$39 |
228505 |
1 |
Block &
Tackle...Sideline Buddies (picture) |
$19 |
24805 |
1 |
Bloomenshine's Veggie Mart,
Betty, Luke, Emmy Lous & Billy Bob - 5 piece set
(picture) |
$37 |
227808 |
2 |
Boomer, Toot, Fifi, Squirt
& Topper "Let the Show Begin" 2001
Limited Edition (picture) |
$45 |
2005-71 |
Bubba Ray...Sunny
Days (qty 2) Club Membership Figure (picture) |
$25 |
22722 | 7 |
Caren B. Bearlove - GCC Exclusive (picture) | $32 | |
4013458 |
Carin "Nurses Are
Angels" (Qty = 6) (picture) |
$10 |
2004 |
Carey "A Thought Just
Crossed My Mind" (2" tall, no box) (picture) |
$5 |
228479 |
2 |
Calorina Counting...The Way
I Am (picture) |
$21 |
4028424 |
1 |
Carol Lee Goodfriend with
Freezie "Just Chillin" |
$30 |
227805 |
2 |
Chandler, Marcie, Felicity,
Constance, Faith, Y.K. and Tew...Light a Candle For a
Brighter World (picture) |
$65 | |
2229 | 1 |
Charlotte & BeBe - The Gardeners (picture) | $35 | |
227751 |
1 |
Chief Buckley & Jennifer ...To The
Rescue (picture) |
$21 |
227717 | 2 |
Chrissie - Game/Set/Match (picture) | $17 | |
2012 |
2 |
Christian By the Sea (picture) |
$39 |
2277959CI |
4 |
Clari &
Grant - Clarion Exclusive |
$35 |
228343 |
1 |
Charity Angelhug and
Everychild - Cherish the Children (picture) First in a series of planned exclusive pieces that will benefit Starlight Children's Foundation. |
$29 |
2250 |
1 |
Cookie Catberg...Knitten
Kitten - 2 piece (picture) |
$24 |
2277944 |
1 |
Daddy With Taylor - Hold On
Tight (picture) |
$27 |
2251 | 1 |
Daphne & Eloise - Women's Work (picture) | $35 | |
2226 |
1 |
Daphne "The Reader
Hare" (picture) |
$30 |
2011 | 3 |
Daphne Hare & Maisey Ewe (picture) | $55 | |
227715 | 4 |
Dean Newbearger - Bears & Bulls (GCC Exclusive) (picture) | $48 | |
228409 |
0 |
Diane & Joanie -
Sisters Forever (picture) |
$21 |
371052 |
1 |
Dominique Surefoot &
Coach (picture) |
$15 3E |
227807 |
1 |
Dorothy & Co - Off To
See The Wizard (picture) |
$52 May |
228342PO |
Doug & Dougie
"Going To The Game" (Canadian
Exclusive) (picture) |
$35 |
22839 | 1 |
Dr. H. Griz (picture) | $18 | |
227771 |
2 |
Edie & Geri...A Week of Sundaes (picture) |
$23 |
2240 |
1 |
Edmund & Bailey...Gathering Holly
(picture) |
$52 |
65428 | Edmund - Deck The Halls 20th Anniv (GCC Exclusive, Ltd Ed 26,500) (picture) | $35 | ||
227789 | 2 |
Eleanor Bearsevelt (picture) | $22 |
01998-71 |
Elizabeth with Rosencrantz & Guilderstern - I Am The Queen (Ltd 1998 Special Event Piece) (picture) | $42 |
2236 | 2 |
Elgin The Elf Bear (picture) | $50 | |
228416 |
2 |
E.M.T. Bearsley &
Carey "To The Rescue" (picture) |
$15 |
228416 |
1 |
E.M.T. Bearsley & Carey "To the Rescue"
- NO BOX |
227739 |
1 |
Emmit Kleansweep...Some
Jobs are Tougher than Others
(picture) |
$35 |
227786 |
0 |
Esther Hippydipper - Summer
Olympics (picture) |
$23 |
227758 |
1 |
Faith...Always Give Thanks (picture) |
$18 |
227746 | 1 |
Fannie Sweetcheeks "Never Enough" (picture) | $18 |
227710 |
3 |
Feldman D. Finklebeary
& Dooley "Painless and the
Patient" (picture) |
$25 |
2277800 |
3 |
Firefighter Jim &
Kurtis "Learnin From The Best" (picture) |
$18 |
228405 |
2 |
Florence Gentlecare
"Touching Lives" (Retired) (picture) |
$21 |
02004-21 |
Frank, Oscar, Barney &
Stu - club piece (picture) |
$32 |
81007 |
4 |
Frankie & Igor... Minor
Adjustments (picture) |
$35 |
227735GCC |
4 |
Franklin T.
Rosenbearg (picture) |
$35 |
2278-04 | 1 |
From Our House To Yours - Gary, Tina, Matt & Bailey (picture) | $60 (April) | |
2480 |
1 |
Fun at the Toy Factory (3
pc set) (picture) |
$15 |
228321 |
3 |
Gary M. Bearenthal
"Happy Birthday You Old Bear" (picture) |
$30 |
228321GCC | (Qty = 1) | |||
228327 | 2 |
Genevieve Berriman & Brady "Catch a Falling Star" (picture) | $16 |
4016634 |
0 |
Gerald &
Harrington "Seein the World" (picture) |
$23 |
02003-41 |
Gertie Mae Berriweather - 2
piece set; FOB 2003 Club piece (picture) |
$45 |
228387 |
1 |
G I Bruin (picture) |
$18 |
4022187 |
1 |
Gone Fishing |
$45 |
227729 |
3 |
Goodfer U Bear - Way To
Go (picture) |
$16 |
228306 | 1 |
Grace & Jonathon - Born To Shop (picture) | $22 | |
02001-71 |
Graffitie...Put On Your
Happy Face (picture) |
$35 |
4027345 |
1 |
Grandma Bearybake &
Lil' Helper (picture) |
$35 |
228350 |
1 |
Grandpa Bearikins, Molly
& Jeff - Just a Kid at Heart (Qty = 1) (picture) |
$24 |
227724CI | 10 |
Grant & Clari - Ltd. Ed. Clarion Exclusive (picture) | $40 | |
228482 | 3 |
Greg with Mattie - a Hero's
Homecoming (picture) |
$25 |
2016 |
1 |
Grenville & Beatrice -
Best Friends (picture) |
$50 |
2099 | 2 |
Grenville & Neville - Sign (picture) | $32 | |
2281 | 3 |
Grenville With Matthew & Bailey - Sunday Afternoon (Retired) (picture) | $38 | |
2233 | 1 |
Grenville The Graduate (picture) | $59 | |
2265 |
1 |
Grenville "The
Storyteller" (picture) |
$65 (Nov) |
228308 | 2 |
Guinevere - The Angel (picture) | $18 | |
2489 |
2 |
Gus Gummytummy....Sweet Tooth Blues train
car (picture) |
$22 |
228317 |
1 |
Gwain...Love Is The Master
Key (picture) |
$27 |
228332 | 3 |
Gypsy Rose "Surprise" (picture) | $26 | |
2277922 |
1 |
Harmony Angelsong -
Heavenly Music (Qty = 1) (picture) |
$16 |
2277901 |
H.B. McBearsley
"Happy Birthday To Me" (no box, requires 2
hearing-aid type batteries not incuded) (picture) |
$10 |
94577POG |
1 |
Honey B. Elfberg with
Gabriella...Believe (picture) |
$35 |
228386 |
1 |
Hope Angelfaith
"Give Thanks" (picture) |
$18 |
228361 |
1 |
Hope Angelwish & Everychild...Bless Our
Children (2001 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation)
(picture) |
$35 |
227784 |
1 |
Hugh Didit -
Celebrate (picture) |
$14 |
2273 |
4 |
Humboldt "The Simple
Bear" (picture) |
$14 |
2277903 |
2 |
Ima a Mom & Sweet
Pea "All In a Day's Work" (picture) |
$17 |
227783 |
3 |
Ima Scholar -
Celebrate (picture) |
$14 |
227773 |
1 |
Break (picture) |
$18 |
228390 |
3 |
Isaac Chisely & Woody...Makin'
Friends (picture) |
$22 |
228434 |
1 |
James, Kathleen, & Baby
Blessing - The Christening (picture) |
$20 |
227812 |
J. B. Bearyproud & Pals
- United We Stand Ltd Ed 2004
(Qty=1) (picture) |
$38 |
228384 |
1 |
Jennifer Newmom - Great
Expectations (picture) |
$16 |
227806 |
3 |
Johnathon C. Tootsenwhistle
with Marjorie Marchalong...One Bear
Band (picture) |
$35 |
228372 | 1 |
Jolly Ol Saint Snoozen w/ Jingle, Jangle, Tinker & Shush (picture) | $25 |
228398 |
2 |
Joy Angeltouch &
Everychild "Cherish Small
Miracles" (picture) |
$23 |
227764GCC |
2 |
Joy S.
Bearheart (picture) |
$32 |
228303 |
1 |
(picture) |
$27 |
228324 | 3 |
Justina - Choir Singer (Parade of Gifts Exclusive) (picture) | $32 | |
2273 | 1 |
Justina - The Message Bear (picture) | $18 | |
2015 | 1 |
Justina & M. Harrison - Sweetie Pie (picture) | $59 | |
82500 |
1 |
Karen Everymon &
Jewel...One of a Kind
(picture) |
$30 |
228425LB |
4 |
Kenny B. Weaver -
Longaberger Exclusie (picture) |
$26 |
228355 | 2 |
Kimberly Cheerenshout "Got Spirit" | $15 |
228391 |
1 |
Klaus Jinglebear with Atlas...Christmas is
Coming (Retired) (picture) |
$32 |
ITEM # |
2283-01 |
4 |
Kringle & Company -
early GCC release with green coat (picture) |
$39 |
228533 | 2 |
Kristen & Amy..First
Friends (Qty=1) (picture) |
$26 |
228466PAW |
1 |
Kristopher Kringleberry
‘Bearing Gifts’ (picture) |
$22 |
227805 | Light A Candle for a Bright World - Chandler (bear), Mercy (moose), Felicity (rabbit), Constance (cat), Faith (dog), Y.K. & Tew (mice) (picture) | $70 |
2453 | 1 |
Lil Bear Peep "Got Sheep?" (5E) (picture) | $18 | |
2452 | 7 |
Lil Red w/B.B. Wolf "Going to Grandma's" (retired) (picture) | $31 |
2275 |
1 |
M. Harrison's
Birthday (picture) |
$29 |
2243 | 1 |
Manheim - The Eco Moose (picture) | $25 | |
228354 |
1 |
Margaret &
Kristen...There Goes The Budget (picture) |
$34 |
227709 | 2 |
Margo The Ballerina (picture) | $28 |
2277964 |
1 |
Mary & Patricia
"Sew Many Years" (picture) |
$19 |
228449 |
1 |
Melody Angelsong (picture) |
$18 |
4015160 |
1 |
Miss Ann Lighten
"Inspire The Future"
(picture) |
$16 |
228526 |
1 |
Mom & Taylor...Little
Leaner (picture) |
$22 |
227797 |
1 |
Momma &
Taylor...Patience is a Virtue(picture) |
$18 |
2277917 |
1 |
Momma &
Taylor...Quality Time (picture) |
$21 |
227755 | 3 |
Momma Beariproud & Jamie "Seize the day" (picture) | $21 |
82536 |
Momma Bunchalove...World's
Best Mom |
4015165 |
3 |
Momma Luvsalot, Hannah, Sam
& Tabby "Whoops" (picture) |
$32 |
227711 |
1 |
Momma McBear &
Caledonia...Quiet Time (picture) |
$17 |
228379 |
1 |
Momma McBearsley &
Jordan...Story Time (picture) |
$17 |
228349 | 1 |
Momma McBruin & Luke "Baby Love" (picture) | $15 |
82508 |
1 |
Momma McBruin with
Munchkin...I Love You (Event 2002) (picture) |
$36 |
2277902 |
3 |
Momma McNewbear &
Babykins...Rock-a-bye Baby (picture) |
$22 |
Monty - plant
stick (picture) from The Boydsenbeary Patch collection |
$20 |
227770 |
2 |
Mr. Windsor
"All Tied Up" (picture) |
$12 |
1998-41 |
Ms. Berryweather's
Cottage - Club Membership Figure (qty
1) (picture) |
$45 |
2284 | 1 |
Ms. Griz - Saturday Night (picture) | $32 |
2276 | 1 |
Ms. Griz - Monday Morning (Retired 1999) (picture) | $39 | |
1998-21 |
Ms. Liberty - club
piece (Qty 2) (picture) |
$32 |
228331 | 1 |
Nana Quignapple & Taylor "If Mom Says No" (picture) | $18 |
227702 | 2 |
Neville - Compubear (picture) | $20 | |
2491 |
2 |
Nibbles Gingerbeary...Home
Sweet Home - train car (picture) |
$23 |
228399PAW |
2 |
Nicholas Bearyproud...All American Xmas
(picture) |
$29 |
2278 |
Noah & Co...Ark
Builders (Qty = 1) (picture) |
$85 |
4017978 |
1 |
Norman Rockwell - Doctor
& The Doll (picture)
$39 |
4017976 |
0 |
Norman Rockwell - Before
the Shot (picture) |
$39 |
4018698 |
1 |
Norman Rockwell - Little
(picture) |
$39 |
228393 |
1 |
Officer Grizzley "Law
& Order" (picture) |
$14 |
228392 |
1 |
Olive Leafowitz w/ Forest Friends...Joy
Ride (picture) |
$49 |
227740 | 2 |
Oliver Wendell "Love Letters" (picture) | $16 |
2249-06 | 2 |
Otis - The Fisherman (Retired 1998) (picture) | $32 | |
228385 |
1 |
Pat B. Bruin - On the Line
(picture) |
$17 |
227796 |
2 |
Patrick & His
Hero....When I Grow Up (picture) |
$20 |
228357PO |
2 |
Paul "Our Proudest
Moment" Canadian Exclusive (picture) |
$25 |
654296 |
Picasso B. Beanster - bear
in rabbit suit painting egg inside sugar egg (Q2) (picture) |
$17 |
228371 | 1 |
Pop Pop & Chrissy "Giddy-up" (picture) | $22 |
2277912LB |
3 |
Posie Picksabunch -
Longaberger Exclusive (picture) |
$22 |
01997-71 | 1 |
Prince Hamalot - Event Figurine 97 (picture) | $48 | |
227763SYN |
1 |
Princess Readsalot &
Friends "Imagine That" (picture) |
$29 |
2000-71 | 4 |
Prissie, Sissie & Missie - Tea for 3 (picture) | $24 | |
228322 | 4 |
Prissy La Vogue...Slave To Fashion - GCC Exclusive 1999 (picture) | $40 | |
228305 | 1 |
Puck - Slapshot (picture) | $19 | |
2460 |
1 |
Puss N. Boots with His
Encounter (picture) |
$26 |
227790 |
2 |
Rembrandt...Eggsellent Work (picture) |
$24 |
227809 |
Ross w/Betsy...Everybody Loves a Parade
(picture) |
$40 (Mar) |
2277904 |
2 |
R.S. Huffen Puff
"Never Mind, I'll Buy a Bigger Size" (Qty =
(picture) |
$19 |
2277948 |
1 |
Russ Q McBearsley
"Unsung Hero" (picture) |
$15 |
1999-41 |
Sally & Sunny Berriweather...Plant With Hope (Qty = 2) | $45 |
2886 | Sam, Libby & Ellis - Fife & Drum (Qty=1) (picture) | $43 |
227787 |
1 |
Bearamerican (picture) |
$19 |
2277950 |
1 |
Sarah Bearsdale "If
the Shoe Fits, Buy It in Every Color" (picture) |
$19 |
228389 |
S.C. Kringlebeary and Lil'
Blitzen...Crash Landing (Qty =
1) (picture) |
$28 |
228310 |
1 |
S. C. Northstar & Emmett...Lil
Helper (picture) |
$33 |
83015 |
1 |
S. Kringlebeary...Santa Wannabe - Special
Edition Xmas 2000 (picture) |
$33 |
2288333 PAW | 1 |
Scrooge McBear "Bah Humbug" (picture) | $24 |
227745 | 2 |
Sgt O'Beara w/ Ali & Friends "Everyday Hero" (picture) | $22 |
4013439 |
1 |
Sharon & Hopper...Sweet
Times (picture) |
$25 |
228329 | 1 |
Sherwood w/Opie & Tweet "Spare that tree" (picture) | $21 |
2267 |
1 |
Simone & Bailey
‘Helping Hands’ (retired) (picture) |
$37 |
2279 | 1 |
Sir Edmund - Persistence (Retired 1999) (picture) | $28 | |
228323 | Sissie & Squirt - Big Helper, Little Sipper (picture) | $21 | ||
227716 | 3 |
Sparky & The Box (picture) | $26 |
228348 |
2 |
Stephanie, John &
George ‘The Family Tree’
(picture) |
$23 |
228358 | 1 |
Strike McSpare...9 outa 10 Ain't Bad (picture) | $16 |
24702 |
1 |
Stitch...Friends Are
Threads That Help Us Hold It Together
(Basketbearies) (picture) |
$10 |
4013457 |
Sunny (Qty =
5) (picture) |
$10 |
227765PAW |
1 |
T. H. Beanster w/Ogden...On the Road Again (picture) |
$33 |
227803 | T.H.B. & Co., Ltd. Ed. 1998 - 5th Anniversary "Work Is Love Made Visible" (Retired 1998) (picture) | $65 | ||
2223 | 1 |
Ted & Teddy (picture) | $35 |
227707 | The Collector - GCC 20th Anniv Ed (picture) |
$50 | ||
2479 |
1 |
The Elfbeary Workshop,
Ringle, Dingle & Merv... Santa's Toy Factory
(picture) |
$50 |
2277939 |
Tommy Bearyproud...God
Bless America (Q1) no box (picture) |
$20 |
4013459 |
U B Brave (Qty =
7) (picture) |
$10 |
CB99526 |
1 |
Uncle Gus & Gary...The
Gift (picture) 1997 Limited Edition |
$69 |
01996-41 |
Velma Q Berriweather..The Cookie Queen
(F.O.B. Membership piece) (Qty 4) (picture) |
$55 |
227753 | 1 |
Victoria Lynn "Great Escapes" (picture) | $21 |
01999-71 |
Victoria Regina Buzzbruin...So Many
Flowers, So Little Time (Special Event 1999) (Qty
2) (picture) |
$48 NE |
2004 | 3 |
Victoria - The Lady (2 pieces) (picture) | $28 | |
227719 |
1 |
Wanda & Gert "A
Little Off the Top" (picture) |
$22 |
2020-06 | 4 |
Wilson At The Beach (Retired 1997) (picture) | $35 | |
2007 | 3 |
Wilson With Love Sonnets (Retired) (picture) | $35 | |
227761 | 2 |
Yardley Starboard w/bouy "Whatever Floats Your Boat" (picture) | $16 | |
2286 | 4 |
Zoe.....Angel of Life Special Edition (picture) | $35 |
2450 | S.S. Noah The Ark (picture) | $46 | SOLD |
2432 | The Trekkers (picture) | $30 | ||
2436 | Hippolita & Hugo D Nile (picture) NO BOX |
$26 |
2427 | Bernice as Mrs. Noah (picture) | $20 | ||
2431 |
Packy & Dermah
Trunkspace...Packin' Lite (picture) |
$30 |
2435 |
Lawrence & Sheherazade
O'Sand...One Hump Or Two (picture) |
$30 |
2436 | Jeremy as Noah (picture) | $20 | ||
2430 | Willie - Noah's son (picture) | $20 | ||
2433 | Hsing Hsing & Ling Ling Wongbruin "Carryout" (picture) | $30 | ||
2429 | 1 |
Drafting Table (picture) | $27 | |
2437 |
Aurora & Rex...Saving
the Family Jewels (picture) |
$30 |
2438 | Jill - Cruise Director (picture) | $20 | ||
2438nb |
Jill - Cruise
Director (picture) NO BOX |
$16 |
2442 |
Irwin & Terri
Crocpot...Now Yer Cookin' (picture) |
$30 |
2443 |
Sir Wilfred & Bertha
Blubberton (picture) |
$30 |
2444 |
The Rowboat (picture) |
$18 |
4004 |
& Dermah (picture) |
$7 |
4003 |
Skye (picture) |
$7 |
4002 |
The Ark
(picture) |
$7 |
2407 | 1 |
Thatcher & Eden (picture) | $27 |
2401 | 2 |
Neville (Joseph) (picture) | $25 | |
2403 | 2 |
Baldwin (Child) (picture) | $25 | |
2476 |
1 |
Little Star of Bethlehem
Nativity (picture) |
$53 |
2402 | 2 |
Theresa (Mary) (picture) | $25 | |
2406 | 1 |
Raleigh (Balthasar) (picture) | $25 | |
2404 |
1 |
Wilson...as Melchior w/Gold (picture) |
$30 |
2425 |
1 |
The Stage (picture) |
$50 |
ITEM # |
25723 | A Brighter World (picture) | $21 | ||
25954 | 3 |
Baby's Christmas 1998 (picture) | $20 | |
25708 | 2 |
Bailey...Home Sweet Home (Retired) (picture) | $14 | |
25721GCC | 1 |
Bailey...Silver Blades (picture) |
$23 | |
25716 | 2 |
Doc Buzzby (picture) | $13 |
2505 | 2 |
Edmund - Believe ornament
(picture) |
$12 | |
25707 | 2 |
George & Gracie...Forever (picture) | $11 | |
25705 | Knute...Half Time (football) (picture) | $15 |
25772 |
4 |
Kringle Jingle
2002 (picture) |
$14 |
2506 | 1 |
Manheim Moose / Wreath
Ornament (picture) |
$30 | |
25718 | Mario...Hat Trick (hockey) (picture) | $13 | ||
25719 | 2 |
McDuffer...The 19th Hole (golf) (picture) | $15 |
25720GCC | 1 |
Nancy...Driven to Win (golf) GCC Exclusive(picture) | $20 | |
25956 | 2 |
Nanuk..Winter Wonderland (picture) | $21 | |
25953 | 1 |
Noel Bruinski - Da
Electrician (picture) |
$30 | |
25760 |
1 |
Owen Appleby (picture) |
$11 |
25709 | 2 |
Regina D. Ferrisdaval...I Am The Queen (picture) | $14 | |
25715 | 1 |
Sage Buzzby (picture) | $13 |
25765 |
1 |
S.C. Kringlesock (picture) |
$15 |
25746 |
1 |
Simon - Icing Touches (picture) (wrong box) |
$18 |
25714 | 1 |
Sunny Buzzby (picture) | $13 (2E) | |
257027 |
1 |
Twinkle Starlight
(picture) supports the Starlight Children’s Foundation |
$15 |
25951GCC | 6 |
Zoe...Starlight Christmas (picture) | $45 |
5339 |
Nativity - Little Star of
Bethlehem creche - lights up, batteries not
included (picture) |
3.1 |
19011 | Bearly-Able Construction Company - Bailey's brother Matthew, an engineer by trade, designed and built his own business from the ground up! He started with wood, but when he ran outta trees, topped his Construction Co. with thatch and a brick chimney -check out the attached ladder accessory on the side and shutters on each and every window! Lift the roof to see Matthew reading his book with his trusty telescope by his side. Matthew's living room floor is removable. Ltd Ed 5100 (4E) (picture) | $42 |
19511-1 | Bearly-Able Construction Co. Accessories set/3 - Indy's Duggery was the first wood project Matthew ever completed. Matthew's busy at his desk plannin' a new building in Boyds Town, while best pal Indy looks up the zoning codes in his trusty instructional booklet! (picture) | $15/set |
19003 | Chapel In The Woods (2 pc set) - Reverend Eunatius Merrit Curmudgern Bruin is the minister for The Chapel in the Woods. Lift the roof of this little chapel to see Justina and Melvin renewing their vows. A hidden message is revealed when the insert piece is removed. Ltd Ed 5100 (6E) (picture) | $39 |
19503-1 | Chapel In The Woods Accessories set/3 - includes the Reverend Eunatius Merrit Curmudgern Bruin, twins Hope and Faith studying their Sunday School lessons,and congregation members, Justina and Melvin Lowenbruin. (picture) | $15/set |
19002 | Bailey's Cozy Cottage - 3 pc. Bailey's cozy brick and thatched-roof cottage has bright colored flowerports on the front door step and a water pump in the backyard. Take the roof off this little cottage to see Bailey sitting on her sofa. Lift up her livin' room ta read her special message. Ltd Ed 5100 (6E) (picture) | $35 |
19818 |
Fountain (picture) |
$11 |
19803 |
Little Ben Clocktower
(picture) |
$16 |
19010 | Madges' Beauty Salon & Bait Shop - Doubles as her hubby's bait shop - live stuff sold out back! Look inside to see Madge with a new customer. The beauty shop is removable Ltd. Ed. 5100 (3E) (picture) | $41 |
19510-1 | Madges' Beauty Salon & Bait Shop Accessories set/3 - Ida and Gladys, in for a trim, are sharin' a copy of Madge's gossip mag. Momma's draggin' Timmy in for a buzz cut-he ain't much for the sweet-smellin' hairspray! Twila Bearymore couldn't be more thrilled with her mile-high beehive-just right for a special night! (picture) | $15/set |
19006 | Public Libeary - 3 pc set (6E) - Look nside the library and see Ms. Fitzbruin at her desk repairing a book. The library is removable. Ltd Ed 5100 (picture) | $34 |
19506-1 | Public Libeary Accessories - 3 figures - Ms. Grizelda Fitzbruin, the librarian, Bailey carrying a stack of books and York who is sitting and reading a book. (picture) | $15/set |
19009 | Cocoa's House of Chocolate - each awning features cocoa confections of a different sort. Look inside to see our Chocolatier and assistant making sweets. Lift out the little scene to find Cocoa's secret to chocolate success! Ltd. Ed. 5100 (3E) (picture) | $42 |
19509-1 | House of Chocolate Accessories set/3 - Cocoa McBruin is carrying a basket of her homemade treats. Her delivery truck, Cocoa Express, is all loaded and ready to go, while Sweetie & Chunk are enjoying their very own box of goodies. (picture) | $15/set |
19005 | Edmund's Hideaway - 3 pc set - Lift the roof of this little cottage to see Edmund in his living roon with a leather sofa. Remove the living room to see the hidden message. Ltd. Ed. 5100 (6E) (picture) | $35 |
Edmund's Hideaway - mini
set/3 |
$15 |
19001 | Ted E. Bear Shop (3 pc set) - Remove the roof and get an inside view of the teddy bear maker's shop. The work area inside is removable. Lift the floorboards and you'll discover his trade secrets. Ltd Ed 5100 (5E) (picture) | $35 |
19501-1 | Ted E. Bear Shop Accessories - delivery truck, Ted E. Bear with Junior making a home delivery, and Poppa McBear and his daughter, Lucy (picture) | $15/set |
19512-1 | Punky Boo Bear's Haunted Halloween House Accessories set/3 - J.T. Boobear's costume is a sheet with eye slits, Liza Whatchabruin is stirrin' "da brew", and the pumpkins are carved and ready to light. (picture) | $15/set |
3000 |
Santa's Flight Plan (Retired 1997) (Qty = 1) (picture, left) | $45 |
3001 |
Nick On Ice (Retired 1997) (Q1) (picture) | $42 |
3002 |
Santa's Challenge (Qty = 1) (Retired 1997) (picture, right) | $45 |
3003 |
Santa December 26 (Qty = 2) (Retired 1997) (picture, center) | $48 |
3200 |
Augustus "Gus"
Grizberg (picture) |
$27 |
3208 | Filbert Foghorn...The Commodore (picture) | $23 (6E) | |
3247 |
George (picture) |
$19 (2E) |
3201 | Gertrude "Gerti" Grizberg (picture) |
$35 (2E) | |
3205 | Nicholas Grizberg "Uncle Nick" (Retired) (picture) | $35 (2E) | |
3202 |
Thaddeus "Bud"
Grizberg (picture) |
$27 |
3248 |
Thomas (picture) |
$19 (1E) |
3207 | Winnie Hopkins & Bunylove (Retired) (picture) | $47 (1E) |
ITEM # |
371006 |
2 |
Birdbreath (picture) |
$20 |
371051 |
2 |
Opie Baithook with
Barney... Catch of the Day (picture) |
$22 |
371054 |
1 |
Kandace Purrshop "Hidden Surprises" (Retired) (picture) | $18 |
371052 | 1 |
Dominique Surefoot & Coach Colby "Practice Makes Purrfect" (Retired) (picture) | $19 |
371000 |
1 |
Pawlene Prowler - Spooky Treats (picture) | $15 |
371050 |
1 |
Pokie Pawsworthy - Bug Inspector |
$18 |
27722 |
Clarence & Angelica (Q4) (picture) | $32 (2E) | |
27723 |
Bailey & Matthew "The Gift" (Qty 1) (picture) | $26 (2E) | |
27705 |
Daphne In The Cabbage Patch (Retired
1999) (picture) |
$38 (2E) | |
27801 |
Ingrid & Olaf "Be Warm" (picture) | $27 |
270550 |
Homer On the Plate "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" (picture) | $39 |
2762SF (668081) |
My Favorite Things - San Fran Music Box
Exclusive (picture) |
$80 (1E) | |
270551 |
The Collector - GCC (Qty 1) (picture) | $79 (1E) |
227801 |
The Flying Lesson - Ltd. Ed. 1997 - plays "When You Wish Upon a Star" (Qty 2) (picture) | $82 |
2760SF (665988) |
Daphne & Eloise - plays "You've Got a Friend" - San
Fran Music Box Exclusive |
$85 (1E) | |
227810 |
Martha, Dolly & George
- plays Stars & Stripes Forever (Ltd Ed
6,000) (picture) |
$52 (Feb) |
3500 | Jennifer With Priscilla (qty=1) (picture) | $30 (1E) | ||
3501 | Patricia With Molly (qty=1) (picture) | $20 |
35001 |
Gracie "The
(picture) |
$18 |
3502 | Victoria With Samantha (qty=1) (picture) | $25 | ||
3503 | Betsy With Edmund (Retired) (qty=1) (picture) | $25 | ||
3505 | Katherine / Amanda / Edmund... Kind Hearts (Retired) (qty=3) (picture) | $25 |
3506 | Ashley with Chrissie...Dress Up (qty=1) (picture) | $25 |
3507 | Sarah & Heather - Tea For Four (qty=1) (picture) | $135 (1E) $68 (2E) $25 |
3508 | Emily, Kathleen & Otis - The Future (Retired) (qty=1) (picture) | $35 | ||
3509 | Rebecca with Elliott - Birthday (Retired) (qty=2) (picture) | $27 | ||
3511 | Michelle & Daisy - Reading Is Fun (Retired) (qty=2) (picture) | $23 | ||
3515-01 | Karen, Wilson, Eloise - Mother's Present (qty=2) (picture) | $32 |
3517 | Mallory, Patsy, & JB - Trick or Treat (Retired 1999) (qty=2) (picture) | $35 (7E) | ||
3518 | 1 |
Amazing Bailey Magic Show (picture) | $70 | |
3520 | Julia, Emmy Lew, & Daphne - Garden Friends (Retired) (qty=1) (picture) | $25 | ||
3521 |
Wendy with Brontie, Keats, Tennyson &
Poe...Wash Day (qty=1) (picture) |
$38 |
3523 | Whitney With Wilson - Tea Party (Retired) (qty=2) (picture) | $25 | ||
3524 | Benjamin & Matthew - Speed Trap (Retired) (qty=2) (picture) | $55 (2E) | ||
3525 | Caitlyn w/Emma & Edmund - Diapering Baby (Kirlin's Exclusive) (qty=2) (picture) | $27 | ||
3532 | Jessica & Timmy - Animal Hospital (retired 1998) (qty=1) (picture) | $47 | ||
3534 |
Austin & Allen
"The Fire Chief" (Retired) (qty=1)
(picture) |
$35 (2E) |
3539 | Alyssa & Caroline - A Stitch In Time (qty=1) (picture) | $24 (3E) | ||
3540 | Stephanie & Jim - School Days (qty=2) (picture) | $26 | ||
3541 | Meredith & Jacqueline - Daisy Chain (Retired 1999) (qty=1) (picture) | $28 (2E) | ||
3542 | Kelly & Co - Bear Collector - 1999 Ltd. Ed. (qty=3 Jan; 3 Feb) (picture) | $50 | ||
3545 | Mark & Luke - The Prayer (Retired 2000) (qty=3) (picture) | $24 (2E) | ||
3546 | Tami & Doug - Half Time (Retired 2000) (qty=3) (picture) | $28 (2E) | ||
3549 | Mia - The Save (qty=2) (picture) | $26 (2E) | ||
3550 | Lisa & Plato - Graduation (qty=2) (picture) | $27 (2E) | ||
3553 | Ryan, Diane, Cory, Wesley & Carly "Love is Forever" (qty=2) (picture) | $30 (5E) | ||
3555 | Cindy & Collier - Dress Up (qty=1) (picture) | $15 (3E) | ||
3557 | Casey & Baxter "Afternoon Stroll" - Ltd. Ed. (qty=2) (picture) | $36 (April) | ||
3573 |
Heather "Dress
Rehearsal" (qty=1) (retired)
(picture) |
$28 (1E) |
3577 | Danielle...Sweet Comforts (qty=1) (picture) | $24 (1E) | ||
3578 |
Maggie...Grandma's Helper (picture) |
$26 (January) |
3579 |
Jacqueline &
Toosie "Old Time Fun" (Retired)
(qty=1) (picture) |
$22 (2E) |
28002 | Execunick - Businessman (Qty=1) (picture) | $31 |
28006 |
1 |
Wrongway Kringle...Darn
Those Reindeer (picture,
front) (picture,
back) |
$29 |
28007 | Jolly Ol St Nick "Too many cookies" (Qty=2) (picture) | $25 | ||
28208 | Isabella - Follow Your Hearts Desire - 1999 (Qty=3) (picture) | $30 |
28102 | I B Coldman - Ice Is Nice (Qty=1) (picture) | $35 |
28210 |
Heather &
Chris...Guardian Angel of Volleyball
(Qty=1) (picture) |
$23 |
28211 |
Calliope Clipsalot &
Pinchy...Guardian Angel of Pennies (Qty=1) (picture) |
$21 |
28242 | Auntie Cocoa (Qty=5) (Retired) (picture) | $21 | ||
28244 | Iown Payne - GCC Exclusive (Qty=2) (picture) | $35 | ||
28244 | Imin Payne...NQGA of Exercises (Qty=1) (picture) | $32 |
28246 | Ms. Fries - Angel of Waitresses - GCC (Retired) (Qty=3) (picture) | $35 | ||
28249 |
Domestica T.
Whirlwind...NQGA of Supermoms
(Qty=1) (picture) |
$24 |
28250 | Ms. Pleasant "May I Help You" - 20th anniv (Qty=1) (picture) | $20 |
28402 | Harriet & Punch - The Challenge (Retired) (Qty=1) (picture) | $20 | ||
28403 | Momma McHutch - Family Matters (Qty=1) (Retired) (picture) | $20 | ||
2845 | Too Loose' Lapin - The Arte-e-st (Qty=1) (picture) | $35 |
2847 | Prudence....Daffodils (Retired 2000) (Qty=1) (picture) | $23 | ||
2850 | Rufus Hoedown (Retired 1999) (Qty=1) (picture) | $34 |
2853 | Elmo 'Tex' Beefcake (Retired 1997) (Qty=1) (picture) | $32 |
2854 |
Loretta Moostein...Yer
Cheatin' Heart (Qty=1) (picture) |
$24 |
2866 | Purrscilla "Give Thanks" (Qty=1) (picture) | $25 |
2870 |
Betty Crocker (Retired 1999) (Qty=2) (picture) |
$35 |
2872 | Alvin T. McBarker / Dogface (Qty=2) (picture) | $32 |
2873 | Bernie / Igotwatiwanted (Retired 1998) (Qty=1) (picture) | $35 |
2884 | Nottaway & Hope... Northern Piece - Canadian
Exclusive Ltd Ed 15,000 |
$35 |
2885 | Jack Hammer - Hard Hat (Qty=1) (Retired) (picture) | $21 | ||
2886 | Sam, Libby & Ellis "Fife & Drum" (picture) | $43 (April) | ||
2887 | Honker T. Flatfoot - clown (Qty=1) (Retired) (picture) | $20 | ||
65427 |
Library Book
(Qty=1) (picture) |
$17 |
36003 | Gabrielle Faerie "The phone faerie" (picture) |
$40 (1E) | ||
36600 |
(picture) |
$14 |
36201 | Cerebella Faerienoggin "Smarty" (picture) | $39 |
36305 | Indulgenia Q Bluit "Angel of denial" (picture) | $30 |
36002 | Kristabell "Faeriefrost" (picture,
left) |
$40 |
36601 | Farmer McHare "Best Intentions" (picture) | $20 |
36400 |
T. H. Bean...The Bearmaker Elf (picture) |
$23 |
![]() |
36701 | Frogmorton & Tad (Qty 1) |
$20 | |
![]() |
36702 | Wine Taster (wrong box) (Q1) |
$18 | |
![]() |
36751 | Bridges...scuba frog (Q1) |
$15 |
ITEM # |
370202 | Burt - Bundle Up (picture) | ||
370203 | Santa & The Final Inspection (picture) | ||
370103 | Santa Jr. - Final Inspection (picture) | ||
370104 | Santa Jr - Quick as a Flash (picture) | ||
370204 | Santa - Quick As a Flash (picture) | ||
370200 | Santa...In The Nick of Time (picture) | ||
370201 | Barnaby - Homeward Bound (picture) | ||
370100 | Santa Jr - In The Nick of Time (picture) | ||
370101 | Barnaby Jr - Homeward Bound
(picture) |
27353 | Rocky - All Star (picture) | $25 |
27301 | The Collector (Retired) (picture) | $23 (2E) |
27551 | Lindsay & Louise "The
Recital" (picture) |
$23 (2E) | SOLD |
27300 | Wings to Soar (Jan, #1161) (picture) |
$38 |
2666 |
Alice &
Emily (picture) |
$8 |
2620PO |
Alison Jaime (picture) |
$7 |
26019 | Ariel...Love Conquers All (Retired) (picture, right) | $6 | |
2634 | Bailey & Emma...the sisters (Retired) (picture, left) | $10 | |
26039 |
Charity Angelhugs & Everychild -
Starlight Foundation (picture) |
$7 |
26122 |
Anyone? (picture) |
$5 |
2611 | Daphne with Dove (Retired) (picture) | $11 | |
26411 |
Flossie....Keep Smiling |
$7 |
26010 | Grace...Born To Shop (Retired) (picture, right) | $6 | |
2001-72 | Graffitie...Make 'em Laugh (2001 Special
Event) (picture) |
$8 | |
26062 |
Grammy &
Babykins (picture) |
$7 |
26056LB |
Grammy Quiltsbeary
(Longaberger) (picture) |
$9 |
26423 |
Fresh (Retired) (picture) |
$7 |
1998-72 |
I Am The Queen (Retired)
(picture) |
$10 |
26162 |
Ima Mom & Sweat
Pea (picture) |
$6 |
50008 |
Jack B
Twinkletune (picture) |
$8 |
26100 | J.B. & The Basketballs (picture) |
$10 | |
26306 | Lars...Bells are Ringing (Retired) (picture, left) | $6 | |
26110 | Mabel Goodheart..Practice Random Acts of Kindness (Retired) (picture, 2nd from right) | $6 | |
26409 | McDivot...Golf, Lie, Golf
(Retired) (picture) |
$7 | |
02002-11 | Molly B. Berriweather (2002 Club pin) (picture) | $10 | |
26160 |
Ms Hugsley &
Lil (picture) |
$7 |
01998-11 | Ms Liberty (picture) |
$10 | |
26405 | Ms. Patience...Teach, Learn
(Retired) (picture) |
$7 | |
26401 | Ms. Patience...The Teacher
(Retired) (picture) |
$8 | |
26059 |
Ms Wise - 1st
Class (picture) |
$7 |
82511 |
Munchkins - Love You Mom (picture) |
$7 |
26408 | Nosh...What's Cooking?!? (Retired) (picture) | $5 | |
26161 |
Patrick & His
Hero (picture) |
$7 |
26419 | Purrscilla & Friends
(Retired) (picture) |
$6 | |
26410 | Speedy...Fast As I Can
(Retired) (picture) |
$6 | |
50001 |
Tina F. Wuzzie
(plush) (picture) |
$6 |
01996-11 | Uncle Elliot - The Head Bean Wants You (Qty
4) (picture) |
$22 | |
01999-72 | Victoria - Special Event | $8 | |
26101 | Wilson - In Love (picture) |
$10 | |
26020 | Wilson..With Love Sonnets (Retired) (picture, 2nd from left) | $6 |
"Plant your feet firmly in the ground" (18" x 24") (Gardening) (picture) | $4 |
"You've Only Just Begun" (18" x 24") (Graduation) (picture) | $4 |
"A hug from you is like sunshine after the rain" (18" x 24") (picture) | $4 |