(click on pictures to view larger image)
All Items Mint in Box
Chief Joseph
 #741 / 750
Issued 1992
13.5" tall
Item #5912-000
Artist:  Joe Slockbower

Chief Joseph
5 lbs  (no box)

#923 / 950
6" tall
Issued 1989
Artist:  Don Polland                        
Lee To The Rear
Issued 1989
6.5" tall
Artist:  Francis Barnum

Comanche Hostile
Ltd Ed 2500
Issued 1988
5" tall
Artist:  Don Polland
Shoshone Eagle Catcher
Ltd Ed 2500
Issued 1981
7.5" tall
Artist:  Michael Boyett


I Will Fight No More
6th Annual Redemption Piece
Issued 1988
Artist:  Don Polland

(click on pictures to view larger image)
All Items Mint in Box
Victorious  -  #224 / 950
Depicts Chief Red Cloud
Issued 1990
16" tall
Artist:  Christopher Pardell
2nd in series - Legacies of the West

Defiant Comanche  -  #198 / 950
Issued 1991
14" tall
Artist:  Christopher Pardell
3re in series - Legacies of the West
Mystic Vision
Ltd Ed 950
15" tall
Artist:  Christopher Pardell
1st in series - Legacies of the West Premiere Edition
First Coup
#206 / 950
10" tall
Issued 1991
Artist:  Christopher Pardell
Johnson's Last Fight
#142 / 600
8.5" tall
Issued 1989
Artist:  Christopher Pardell
Legendary West Collection

#738 / 750
13" tall
Artist:  Christopher Pardell

Lance of New England
Dangerous Encounters by Brian Roddam  Ltd Ed #363/2500
11 lbs

Jean's Collectibles
709 1st Ave S
Humboldt, IA 50548
Phone (714) 541-1050

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