709 1st Ave South
Humboldt, IA 50548
Phone (714)541-1050CHERISHED TEDDIES
All Items Mint in Box Unless Otherwise
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
119430 |
3 |
Marjean "Christmas
Cuddles, Holiday Hugs" - girls with teddy figurine |
picture | $20 |
805580 |
1 |
Esther "I'm
Surrounded By Special Friends" |
picture | $27 |
0000369 |
0 |
Ilene "For My Special
Bud, I Love You" |
picture | $25 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
215880 |
3 |
Our Anniversary |
picture | $25 |
302694 |
2 |
10th Anniversary |
picture | $30 |
302716 |
3 |
General Anniversary |
picture | $30 |
476366 |
1 |
Groomsman "The Time
Has Come For Wedding Bliss" |
picture |
$20 |
476374 |
2 |
Flower Girl "Sweet
Flowers For The Bride" |
picture |
$17 |
476900 |
1* |
Wedding Musical plays the
Wedding March by Mendelsson |
picture | $40 |
911402 |
1 |
Robbie & Rachel
"Love Bears All Things" |
picture | $30 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
104665 |
2 |
Leslie "Friendship
Pops Up Everywhere" bear in pumpkin |
picture |
$15 |
113508 |
1 |
Alexander "Freedom Is
Worth Fighting For" bear on stick horse |
picture | $18 |
118321 |
0 |
Paws For Patriotism mini bears set/2 |
picture | $20 |
118322 |
0 |
Rocky "On The Road Of Life - You're Beary
Special" bear sitting on motorcycle |
picture |
$25 |
118760 |
2 |
Frosty Fun "A Bit Of Wonderland" - bear/reindeer carousel figurine ) | picture |
$25 |
119912 |
1* |
Halloween's a Boo-tiful Thing - requires 2
AA batteries (not included) |
picture |
$27 |
176206 |
Set/3 scarecrow, haystack & bear with
pumpkins |
picture |
$15 |
336521 |
14 |
Janet "You're Sweet as a Rose" (1998 Avon Exclusive) | picture | $25 |
470333 |
6 |
Pumpkin Bear tea light |
picture | $15 |
475602 |
5 |
Margy "I'm Wrapping Up A Little Holiday Joy To Send Your Way" (1998 Avon Exclusive) | picture | $35 |
546526 |
3 |
Ava "You Make Me Feel
Beautiful Inside" Bear with perfume bottle |
picture | $20 |
546534 |
2 |
Jerome "Can't Bear
The Cold Without You" - 1999 Avon Exclusive |
picture | $17 |
663883A |
4 |
Millennium |
picture | $15 |
798835 |
1 |
Adelaide "I'm Your
Pumpkin" |
picture |
$17 |
0000919 |
2 |
Brock & Sheldon
"Marchin' To The Beat Of Holiday Fun" drummer boy figurie |
picture | $20 |
4001719 |
1* |
Ilene "Paste, Cut
& Sew...I Love You Head To Toe" |
picture | $20 |
4002914 |
0 |
Jeri "A Good Friend
Is All Ears" bear in Mickey Mouse shirt |
picture | $21 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
103659 |
1 |
Little Bundle of
Joy - boy |
picture | $14 |
114466 |
2 |
A Baby Blesses Our
Hearts |
picture |
$20 |
127922 |
A Gift To Behold - baby boy
on quilt mini figurine (Q5) |
picture |
$8 |
141240 |
5 |
Baby's First Christmas
ornament - Baby angel on cloud (Q1) |
picture | $14 |
176346 |
Baby's First
Christmas (Q2) |
picture |
$13 |
302686 |
4 |
Brooke "Arriving With
Love & Care" |
picture | $25 |
476978 |
2 |
Anxiously Awaiting The
Arrival - expectant mom |
picture |
$15 |
533297 |
2 |
Bianca "Sweet Dreams
My Little One" baby with white sweater |
picture |
$17 |
599352 |
A Gift To Behold - baby
girl on quilt mini figurine (Q5) |
picture |
$8 |
611506 |
1* |
Babs "A Baby Fills
The Empty Space In Every Heart" |
picture | $28 |
624896 |
1* |
Betsey "First Step To
Love" |
picture | $18 |
624896 |
2 |
Bobbie "A Little
Friendship To Share" baby bear with block |
picture | $18 |
663867 |
1* |
Bear holding baby - "New
Arrival" |
picture | $10 |
663875 |
1* |
New baby - "Welcome Little
One" |
picture | $10 |
743801 |
3 |
Awaiting The Arrival
bear with cradle |
picture | $22 |
790206 |
3 |
Billie "A Bundle Of
Joy From Heaven" |
picture |
$45 |
911755 |
1* |
Cradled With Love door sign
picture |
$15 |
913006 |
2 |
Baby's first Christmas ornament - 93 girl | picture | $15 |
913014 |
3 |
Baby's first Christmas ornament - 93 boy (Q14) | picture | $15 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
104628 |
2 |
Let's Celebrate - Adoption
Center Exclusive |
picture | $22 |
215864 |
36 |
Nina "Beary Happy
Wishes" |
picture | $15 |
306398 |
5 |
You're the Frosting on the
Birthday Cake |
picture | $23 |
4020578 |
3 |
Age 7 - "Sign Says.. You're
Seven!" |
picture |
$23 |
4020579 |
1 |
Age 8 - "Eighth Birthdays
are Trunks of Fun" |
picture |
$23 |
4020580 |
0 |
Age 9 "It's Divine To
Be Nine" |
picture |
$23 |
4020581 |
0 |
Age 10 "Honk If
You're Ten" |
picture |
$23 |
864390 |
2 |
May All Your Birthday
Wishes Come True |
picture | $18 |
4020575 |
4 |
Age 4 "Happy Fourth
Birthneigh" |
picture |
$23 |
911313 |
1* |
Age 3 - "Three Cheers
for You" |
picture |
$20 |
4020574 |
1 |
Age 3 - "Free To Be Three"
picture |
$23 |
911321 |
2* |
Age 2 - "Two Sweet Two
Bear" |
picture | $25 |
911356 |
3 |
Baby - "Cradled With
Love" |
picture |
$20 |
4020577 |
2 |
Age 6 - Six Times The Love |
picture |
$23 |
4020576 |
3 |
Age 5 - "A Perfect Day To
Be Five" |
picture |
$23 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
202886 |
9 |
Rose "Everything's Coming Up Roses" |
picture | $20 |
202894 |
11 |
Susan "Love Stems From Our
Friendship" |
picture | $20 |
202908 |
12 |
Iris "You're The Iris Of My Eye" |
picture | $20 |
202932 |
9 |
Dahlia "You're The Best Pick Of The
Bunch" |
picture | $20 |
202959 |
3 |
Lily "Lilies Bloom With
Petals of Hope" |
picture | $17 |
202959A |
9 |
Lily "Lilies
Bloom With Petals of Hope" -
Catalog exclusive + |
picture | $25 |
CRT228 |
Blossoms of Friendship backdrop |
picture |
$7 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Cherished Teddies at the Beach |
Price |
203467 |
5 |
Sandy "There's Room
In My Sand Castle For You" |
picture | $20 |
203475 |
6 |
Jerry "Ready To Make
a Splash" |
picture | $18 |
203491 |
3 |
Judy "I'm Your
Bathing Beauty" |
picture | $35 |
203505 |
5 |
Gregg "Everything
Pails In Comparison To Friends" |
picture | $20 |
203513 |
2 |
Jim & Joey
"Underneath It All We're Forever Friends" |
picture | $25 |
706647 |
4 |
Ron "Enjoy The Simple
Comforts Of Life" Adoption Center Exclusive, Limited Edition 25,000 |
picture |
$28 |
864366 |
1 |
Troy "Life's A
Beach!" - boy with snorkel |
picture |
$35 |
CRT233 |
1 |
By The Sea Displayer |
picture |
$40 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
502898 |
4 |
Gina "Where Friends
Gather, Magic Blossoms" (1U3D) |
picture |
$22 |
505498 |
1* |
Cody "I'll Cherish
You For Many Moons" |
picture | $22 |
505552 |
2* |
Bill "Friends Like
You Are Always True Blue" |
picture | $22 |
506206 |
1* |
Virginia "It's So
Merry Going Round With You" |
picture | $22 |
506214 |
1* |
Jason "When Is Comes
To Friendship, You've Really Earned Your Stripes" |
picture | $22 |
589926 |
3 |
Jerrod - "Don't Worry, It's Just Another Bump In The Road" (1U2D) | picture |
$22 |
589934 |
2* |
Marcus - "There's Nobody I'd Rather Go 'Round
With Than You" |
picture |
$22 |
589942 |
2* |
Crystal - "Hang On, We're In For a Wonderful
Ride" (rare bear) |
picture |
$45 |
589950 |
1* |
Flossie "I'd Stick My
Neck Out For You Anytime" |
picture |
$22 |
589969 |
2* |
Ivan - "I've Packed My Trunk And I'm Ready To
Go" |
picture |
$22 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
103713 |
3 |
Bruno the ringmaster
"Step Right Up And Smile" |
picture | $25 |
103721 |
3 |
Claudia "You Take The
Center Ring With Me" |
picture | $25 |
103748 |
3 |
Dudley "Just Clowning
Around" |
picture | $20 |
103748A |
1 |
Dudley "Just Clowning
Around" - paint your own figurine, includes figurine, 2 brushes, pallet, 3 paints (may be dried out due to age) |
picture picture |
$22 |
103756 |
4 |
Logan "Love Is A Bear
Necessity" |
picture | $20 |
103934 |
0 |
Wally "You're The
Tops With Me" |
picture | $25 |
103942 |
3 |
Tonya "Friends Are Bear
Essentials" |
picture | $25 |
103977 |
3 |
Circus Elephant "Trunk Full
of Bear Hugs" |
picture | $28 |
104256 |
3 | Circus Tent Collector's
Set/5 - includes tent with 3 rings, Claudia, Bruno &
Wally (2U1D) |
picture picture |
$85 |
107700 |
1* |
Circus Tent with Rings
(set/2) |
$23 |
118386 |
4 |
Jeanette "Laughter Is
The Best Medicine" |
picture |
$18 |
137596 |
2 |
Circus Seal "Seal Of
Friendship" |
picture | $15 |
203548 |
4 |
Circus Lion "You're My Mane
Attraction" |
picture | $15 |
203572 |
4 |
Shelby "Friendship Keeps
You Popping" + |
picture | $20 |
534110 |
3 |
Natalie "You Make Me
Smile From Ear To Ear" |
picture | $20 |
786586 |
4 |
Palmer & Charlene
"Clowning Around" (2U2D) |
picture | $25 SALE $22 | |
4001899 |
0 |
Lyndon "I'd Jump
Through Hoops For You" |
picture |
$19 |
912875 |
3 |
1993 - Alice "Cozy Warm
Wishes Coming Your Way" |
picture |
$35 |
617237 |
6 |
1994- Ingrid "Bundled
Up With Warm Wishes" |
picture |
$28 |
176044 |
10 |
1996 - Jeffrey "Striking Up
Another Year" (3U7D) |
picture | $22 |
272167 |
15 |
1997 - Lee "You're a Bear's
Best Friend" |
picture |
$20 |
352721 |
12 |
1998 - Rich "Always Paws
For Holidays Treats" (3U9D+) |
picture | $25 |
534188 |
2 |
1999 - Norbit &
Nyla "A Friend Is Someone Who Reaches For Your Hand
and Touches Your Heart" |
picture | $28 |
706698 |
7 |
2000 - Ariel "Everyone
Needs a Little Help Learning to Fly" |
picture | $25 |
805572 |
Matilda "We're All
Cheering For You In 2000" (Q1) Australian
Exclusive |
104141 |
8 |
2002 - Ian, Jack Frost
figurine "Like a Snowflake, You're One of a Kind" |
picture |
$22 |
112391 |
3 |
2003 - Gerard
"Welcome All The Sounds of The Season" |
picture |
$30 |
118385 |
4 |
2004 - Knut
"Decorating the Holidays With Happiness" bear with wreath dated 2004 |
picture |
$20 |
4002840 |
6 |
2005 - Polly "Let
There Always Be a Jingle In Your Heart" (2U4D) |
picture | $23 |
4005469 |
1 |
2006 - Edie "Warm 'n
Wonderful Winter Greetings" |
picture |
$19 |
4008149 |
2 |
2007 - Rosalee "May Your Season Ring
With Happiness" |
picture |
$19 |
4016862 |
0 |
2010 - Lowell "The
Warmth of a Home" |
picture |
$22 |
4023640 |
3 |
2012 - Pris "Sending
All My Joy To You" |
picture |
$35 |
4034597 |
0 |
2013 - Avery - dated
2013 "Tis The Season For Cold Winds & Warm
Hearts" |
picture |
$35 |
4040458 |
4 |
2014 - Debbi - dated
2014 "Joyful Are Christmas Gifts and Holiday Wishes" bear sitting on present |
picture |
$38 |
4047375 |
0 |
2015 - Randi
"Friends Forever, Whatever The Weather" - bear holding
puppy |
picture |
$30 |
4053450 |
1* |
2016 - Dennison
"Friends Throughout Snowy Days & Frosty Nights" |
picture |
$40 |
4055199 |
0 |
2017 - Ginnie "Our
Friendship's On A Roll" |
picture |
$38 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
950653 |
11 |
1992 - Bear in stocking |
picture |
$20 |
617253 |
1994 - Baby bear in
basket (Q1) |
picture |
$22 |
617229 |
1 |
1994 - Our First Christmas
Together "Bundled Up For The Holidays" |
picture | $25 |
141232 |
13 |
1995 - Bear with ice skates |
picture | $27 |
176052 |
9 |
1996 - Toy soldier |
picture | $25 |
272175 |
8 |
1997 - Dangling snowflake
ornament |
picture |
$20 |
352748 |
15 |
1998 - Gingerbread bear
(jointed) |
picture | $22 |
534161 |
6 |
1999-2000 - Eskimos with
fish |
picture | $25 set/2 |
706663 |
7 |
2000 - Angel sitting on
moon |
picture | $15 |
104142 |
6 |
2002 - Jack Frost |
picture | $17 |
112392 |
2 |
2003 - "Believe" -
santa bear |
picture |
$17 |
118373 |
6 |
2004 - Bear sitting on
moon |
picture |
$17 |
4002835 |
0 |
2005 - bears on moon |
picture |
$20 |
4005475 |
2 |
2006 - Jingle All The
way |
picture |
$17 |
4008150 |
3 |
2007 - A Handful of Holiday
Cheer (girl/mitten) |
picture | $17 |
4010090 |
0 |
2008 Dated ornament |
picture |
$17 |
4013432 |
5 |
2009 - Bear Blowing
Horn "Let Us All Rejoice" |
picture | $17 |
4013434 |
2 |
2009 - Bear on
Snowflake |
picture | $25 |
4016870 |
0 |
2010 Dated Ornament | picture | $17 |
4023734 |
5 |
2011 - Wishing You the Moon
& Stars This Season (Santa ornament) |
picture |
$17 |
4023735 |
3 |
2011 - Let The Season
Ring With Joy (angel bell ornament) |
picture |
$18 |
4023641 |
3 |
2012 - Wishing You a
Heavenly Holiday (angel holding Merry
Christmas sign - bell ornament) |
picture |
$24 |
4023651 |
11 |
2012 - May All Your
Snowy Dreams Come True |
picture |
$20 |
4034598 |
11 |
2013 - Embrace the Season's
Traditions (bear holding wreath) |
picture |
$22 |
4034599 |
1 |
2013 - You Put The
Christmas Twinkle In My Eye (bell ornament) |
picture |
$25 |
4040459 |
3 |
2014 - Hugs From Heaven
(bell ornament) |
picture |
$25 |
4040460 |
16 |
2014 - You Bring Snuggly
Warmth To The Coldest Days (1U15D) |
picture |
$25 |
4047383 |
12 |
2015 - Ready For Reindeer
Games |
picture |
$25 |
4047384 |
1 |
2015 - Love From Above Is
Our Greatest Gift (bell ornament) |
picture |
$25 |
4053452 |
5 |
2016 - Peeking Out To Say
Merry Christmas |
picture |
$25 |
4059135 |
3 |
2017 - You're My Reason To
Believe |
picture |
$24 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
789674 |
3 |
Sunny - The Child That is Born On The
Sabbath Day is Bonny & Blithe & Gay |
picture |
$20 |
789682 |
2 |
Monica - Monday's Child is Fair of
Face |
picture |
$20 |
789690 |
0 |
Tia - Tuesday's Child is Full of Grace |
picture |
$20 |
789704 |
1 |
Wendy - Wednesday's Child is Full of
Woe |
picture |
$20 |
789712 |
0 |
Thelma - Thursday's Child Has Far To Go
picture |
$20 |
789720 |
3 |
Frances - Friday's Child is Loving &
Giving |
picture |
$20 |
789739 |
2 |
Sandra - Saturday's Child Works Hard For a
Living |
picture |
$20 |
790214 |
Days of the Week displayer |
picture |
$15 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
614777 |
2 |
Tiny Ted Bear "God
Bless Us Everyone" |
picture |
$22 |
614785 |
3 |
Jacob Bearly "You
Will Be Haunted By Three Spirits" |
picture | $27 |
614807 |
1* |
Gabriel - Christmas Ghost |
picture | $25 |
614807 |
0 |
Garland - Christmas Ghost |
picture | $25 |
614807 |
1 |
Gloria, Garland &
Gabriel set/3 "I'm the Ghost of Christmas Past,
Present, Yet To Come" |
picture | $65 |
617296 |
1 |
Ebearnezer Scrooge
"Bah Humbug" |
picture | $22 |
617318 |
3 |
Mrs. Cratchit "A Bear
Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year" + |
picture |
$25 |
617326 |
2 |
Bear Cratchit "And A Very
Merry Christmas To You, Mr. Scrooge" |
picture | $25 |
622788 |
3 |
Lighted Scrooge &
Marley's Counting House |
picture |
$75 |
651362 |
1 |
Lighted Cratchit House |
picture |
$75 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
156299 |
Matthew "A Dash of Love" |
picture |
$21 |
56302 |
2 |
Thelma "Cozy Tea For Two" |
picture | $25 |
156310 |
3 |
Tara "You're My Beary Best
Friend" |
picture | $22 |
156329 |
2 |
Ella "Love Grows In My
Heart" |
picture | $22 |
156337 |
6 |
Jenna "You're Beary Special To
Me" |
picture | $22 |
202991 |
25 |
Diane "I Picked
the Beary Best For You" - Ltd Edition 1997 |
picture | ||
900931 |
2 |
Set/3 accessories - sign
(2), basket of berries (1), lamb (2) |
picture | $5 each or $13/set 3 |
CRT111 |
1 |
Picket Fence Display |
picture |
$20 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
103799 |
6 |
Donald "Friends Are
Egg-ceptional Blessings" |
picture |
$20 |
103802 |
4 |
Bunny "Just In Time
For Spring" (2U2D) |
picture |
$19 |
103829 |
5 |
Melissa "Every Bunny
Needs a Friend" |
picture | $20 |
104973 |
5 |
Peter "You're Some Bunny
Special" |
picture | $19 |
156507 |
14 |
1996 Easter Egg |
picture | $10 |
156523 |
2 |
Easter Basket - green |
picture |
$22 |
156523 |
1* |
Set/3 Easter baskets -
green, purple, pink |
picture |
$55 |
203017 |
3 |
Dated 1997 egg - girl with
chicks (2U1D) |
picture |
$15 |
297399 |
2* |
Bear in cracked egg shell -
mini ornament |
picture |
$6 |
476951 |
1 |
Easter Bas Relief Eggs -
set/3 yellow, purple, and green bows |
picture | $35 |
726664 |
0 |
I Said An Easter Prayer
Today - Easter plaque Abbey Press Exclusive |
picture | $20 |
726737 |
0 |
Trudy "I'm So Hoppy
You're My Friend" |
picture |
$22 |
805580 |
Esther "I'm
Surrounded By Special Friends" Abbey Press Exclusive |
picture | $27 |
see Abbey
Press section |
910678 |
1 |
Charity "I Found A
Friend In Ewe" |
picture |
$25 |
910686 |
1 |
Henrietta "A Basketful Of
Wishes" bear with basket of eggs |
picture | $25 |
916331 |
8 |
Becky "Springtime
Happiness" |
picture |
$22 |
916390 |
9 |
Courtney "Springtime
Is A Blessing From Above" |
picture | $22 |
916390 |
1 |
Courtney "Springtime
Is A Blessing From Above" NO BOX |
picture | $10 |
916404 |
1 |
Bessie "Some Bunny
Loves You" |
picture | $25 |
916412 |
1 |
Faith "There's No Bunny Like You" | picture | $25 |
916420 |
8 |
Henry "Celebrating
Spring With You" |
$22 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
101182 |
1 |
Everett "Your heart
grows the sweatest friendship" |
picture |
$22 |
476439 |
1 |
Lori "Those We Love
Should Be Cherished" girl bear with chicken and pillow |
picture |
$18 |
789844 |
0 |
Howard "A Farming We
Will Go" (Q1) |
picture |
$28 |
790192 |
2 |
Bert "I'm Busy As A
Bee" |
picture |
$20 |
847321 |
1 |
Susannah "A warm
heart hatches the most love" - girl with roosters |
picture |
$25 |
847348 |
4 |
Deidre, Delilah & Timothy "Ewe are
the most wonderful friend" |
picture |
$28 |
847356 |
0 |
Marsha & Pinky "Hogs & kisses to
my beary best friend" |
picture |
$18 |
847364 |
2 |
MacDonald & Bessie "I'll always be
there for moo" |
picture |
$25 |
990248 |
1 |
Farm Display Barn |
picture |
$25 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
302767 |
4 |
"Plant a Rainbow & Watch It Grow" |
picture | $25 |
302775 |
3 |
Ellen - "You
Color My Rainbow" |
picture | $23 |
302791 |
4 |
Carter &
Elsie 2 pc set "We're Friends Rain Or
Shine" |
picture | $35 |
310409 |
4 |
Rainbow Accessory Set/4 |
picture |
$13 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
202967 |
5 |
Garden Furniture Set
picture |
$18 |
202983 |
1 |
Set/3 pots with silk
flowers - Daisy - Iris - Rose |
picture | $20 |
366854 |
6 |
Veronica "You Make
Happiness Bloom" 1998 Spring catalog exclusive - girl with hyacinth flower |
picture | $22 |
927910 |
1 |
Tatum Park West/Naled Exclusive |
picture |
$27 |
4027224 |
1 |
Cedric "Nurture What Brings You
Joy" gardener bear |
picture | $30 |
Item # |
Quantity |
663808 |
Bear with cap & diploma | picture | $10 |
789623 |
2 |
Ernestine & Regina "I've Never Been
More Proud Of You Than Today" |
picture | $25 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
112395 |
1 |
McKenna "You Make My
Heart Go All A Flutter" bear in butterfly costume |
picture |
$18 |
118387 |
1 |
Talia "You're As
Sweet As Can Be" |
picture |
$17 |
141321 |
6 |
Carrie "The Future
Beareth All Things" |
picture |
$22 |
141879 |
2 | Bear in mask &
cape "Trick or Treat" Halloween treat bag (1U1D) |
picture |
$23 |
141879 |
2 |
Bear with treat bag & broom "Boo!" (1U1D) | picture | $23 |
141879c |
Bear sitting with
jack-o-lantern Halloween treat bag |
picture |
$23 |
176214 |
3 |
Daniel "You're My
Little Pumpkin" |
picture |
$23 |
176257 |
2 |
Tabitha "You're
the cat's meow" |
picture | $19 |
176265 |
1 |
Andy "You Have a
Special Place In My Heart" bear in dalmation costume |
picture | $20 |
269999 |
6 |
Rex "Our Friendship
Will Never Be Extinct" |
picture | $18 |
270016 |
3 |
Barry "I'm Batty Over
You" boy in bat costume |
picture |
$18 |
354104 |
5 |
Hunter "Me Cavebear,
You Friend" |
picture |
$25 |
354112 |
1* |
Trevor "You Bring Out
The Devil In Me" |
picture | $18 |
466220 |
6 |
Ed - comes with pumpkin
carving set with CT pattern sheet, carving tool, and hole maker "There's A Patch In My Heart For You" |
picture | $22 |
534099 |
4 |
Honey "You're a Good Friend That Sticks Like Honey" | picture | $20 |
534129 |
2 |
Hazel "I've got a
notion to give you a potion" |
picture | $21 |
534137 |
3 |
Milt &
Garrett "A Haunting We Will
Go" |
picture | $23 |
617148 |
2 |
Stacie "You lift my
spirit" |
picture | $22 | |
617156 |
2 |
Taylor "Sail the seas
with me" |
picture | $23 |
617180 |
2* |
Breanna "Pumpkin
patch pals" |
picture | $19 |
617199 |
1* |
Bear Holding Pumpkin Nightlight (1994-95 Ltd Ed) | picture |
$38 |
706752 |
0 |
Derek "Count on a
Frightful Halloween" |
picture | $18 |
706760 |
0 |
Sullivan "The Most
Important Truth is to Be True To Yourself" - boy dressed as skeleton |
picture | $19 |
706779 |
1 |
Cassandra "Ghostly
Greetings" (unable to replace battery to make spooky sounds) |
picture | $29 |
798835 |
1 |
Adelaide "I'm Your
Pumpkin Pal" AVON Exclusive |
$17 |
section |
848522 |
1 |
Dennis & Barb "I
Knew I Would Fall For You" |
picture | $28 |
848549 |
4 |
Griselda "Add a
Little Hocus Pocus to Every Halloween" (non-replaceable battery, no longer makes screaming sounds) |
picture | $20 |
884588 |
0 |
Tom "Your Smile Is a
Treat" Avon exclusive |
picture |
$18 |
912778 |
3 |
Gretel "We Make
Magic, Me & You" |
picture |
$25 |
912786 |
2 |
Gary "True
Friendships Are Scarce" |
picture | $29 |
912794 |
4 |
Connie "You're
a sweet treat" |
picture | $29 |
4002850 |
0 |
Ilse "Have a
Moo-velous Halloween" |
picture |
$18 |
4002851 |
2 |
Jaina "Light Up Your
Halloween With Fun" - pumpkin lights up; requires battieries not included |
picture |
$25 |
4010078 |
0 |
"No-buggy Could Look Cuter" |
picture | $18 |
4010079 |
0 |
Kenny "Frightfully
Friendly" |
picture | $38 |
152382 |
3 |
Halloween House Wooden
Display |
picture | $22 |
Hamilton Collection Cherished Teddies Village Sculpture Collection from the Hamilton Collectoin |
1347673 |
1* |
Camille's Quilt Shop |
picture picture |
$59 |
Bakery - Sweet Treats for
Teddies |
picture |
$59 |
1347624 |
Picnic for 2 |
picture |
$59 |
Toys for Teddies Toy Shop |
picture |
$59 |
Wedding Gazebo |
picture |
$59 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Across The Seas |
Price |
197254 |
3* |
Claudette - France "Our Friendship Is Bon Appetite" |
picture | $20 |
197289 |
2* |
Kerstin - Sweden "You're The Swedish Of Them All" |
picture | $20 |
202312 | 4* |
Machiko - Japan "Love Fans A Beautiful Friendship" |
picture |
$24 |
202320 |
5* |
Nadia - Russia "From Russia, With Love" |
picture | $22 |
202339 |
2* |
Carlos - Mexico "I Found An Amigo In You" |
picture | $20 |
202347 |
1* |
Lian - China "Our Friendship Spans Many Miles" |
picture |
$20 |
202355 |
3* |
Fernando - Spain "You Make Everyday A Fiesta" |
picture | $21 |
202398 |
3* |
Rajul - India "You're The Jewel Of My Heart" |
picture | $20 |
202401 |
3* |
Katrien - Holland "Tulips Blossom With Friendship" |
picture | $20 |
202436 |
1* + 1 no box |
Franz - Germany "Our Friendship Knows No Boundaries" |
picture | $20 |
202444 | 3* |
Bob - America |
picture | $20 |
202452 |
3* |
Lorna - Scotland "Our Love Is In The Highlands" |
picture | $20 |
202878 |
4* |
William - England "You're A Jolly Old Chap" |
picture | $20 |
216739 |
4* |
Preston - Canada "Riding Across The Great White North" |
picture | $25 |
276987 |
2* |
Sophia - Italy "Like Grapes On The Vine, Our Friendship Is Divine" |
picture | $22 |
276995 |
3* |
Bazza - Australia "I'm Lost Down Under Without You" |
picture | $22 |
302627 |
0 |
Leilani - Hawaii "Sending You Warm and Friendly Island Breezes" |
picture |
$27 |
865427 |
1 |
Bronwyn - Welsh "The Land Of My Fathers Is Dear To Me" European Exclusive |
picture |
$45 |
CRT234 |
Across The Seas display + backdrop |
picture |
$20 |
163457 |
9 |
Bertie (International Exclusive) "Friends Forever Near or Far" | picture | $30 |
163465 | 7 |
Gordon (International
Exclusive) Keepin' A Watchful Eye On You" palace guard |
picture | $30 |
163473 | 8 |
Duncan (International
Exclusive) "Your Friendship Is Music To My Ears" bagpipe player |
picture | $30 |
163481 | 8 |
(International Exclusive) "Good Friends Are Hard To
Find" detective with magnifying glass & book |
picture | $30 |
163457 -163481 |
Set/4 International
Exclusive figurines - Bertie, Gordon, Duncan, Sherlock |
$100 |
819727 |
3 |
Constable MacKenzie "I'd Stand Watch For You Morning, Noon, and Night" - exclusive to the UK and Canada | picture | $35 |
823295 |
3 |
Inspector Yukon "I Will Always Keep You Safe and Protected" - exclusive to the UK and Canada | picture | $35 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
103896 |
4 |
Kevin "Good Luck To
You" |
picture | $17 |
110981 |
A Cherished Irish Blessing (Q1) |
135690 |
4 |
Maureen "Lucky Friend" | picture | $22 |
203041 |
8 |
Green With Envy For You" |
picture | $20 |
203068 |
3 |
Erin "My Irish Eyes
Smile When You're Near" |
picture | $15 |
476943 |
1 |
"Lucky Charm" & "Good
Luck" Irish boy & girl mini figures |
picture | $15 pair |
916439 |
4 |
Sean "Luck Found Me A
Friend In You" |
picture | $17 |
916447 |
7 |
Kathleen "Luck Found Me A
Friend In You" (1U6D) |
picture | $17 |
0000812 |
2 |
Wishing You a Lifetime of
Shamrocks & Smiles (bottom shelf N's) |
picture | $17 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
103551 |
4 |
Sent With Love |
picture |
$12 |
103586 |
1* |
Be My Bow |
picture | $15 |
103594 |
2 |
Aiming For Your Heart
(1U2D) |
picture | $15 | |
103608 |
2 |
Boy bear flying cupid
"Sending You My Heart" |
picture | $13 |
103616 |
1 |
Sending You My Heart girl cupid with bow ornament |
picture |
$15 |
103640 |
1 |
Be Mine - cupid |
picture |
$15 |
103640 |
2 |
Love - girl standing with
bow/arrow |
picture | $15 |
111015 |
1 |
Covered Box - Boy/Girl
Cupid |
picture |
$29 |
156515 |
2* |
I Love You - bear with mini
love letters |
picture |
$8 |
203076 |
3* |
"Love" Blocks |
picture | $14 |
203084 |
0 |
Heart dangling blocks -
mini |
picture | $8 |
203122 |
6 |
Lapel Pin - Bear with X-O
blocks |
picture |
$5 |
203122c |
3 |
Lapel Pin - Bear on I Heart
U blocks |
picture |
$5 |
203122 |
3 |
Lapel Pin - Bear on L-O-V-E
blocks |
picture | $3 |
203211 |
3 |
Love Bears All Things
plaque |
picture |
$15 |
203246C |
1 |
Boy & Girl bear heart
candy basket |
picture |
$20 |
203289 |
1 |
Love Bears All Things - Boy
& Girl bears heart vase |
picture |
$23 |
240281 |
4 |
Love Letters Blocks - set/3 |
picture |
$20 |
336505 |
2 |
I Love You plaque - bear
holding heart |
picture |
$12 |
869074 |
5* |
From My Heart - boy cupid |
picture |
$14 |
869074 |
Sealed With Love - boy
cupid |
$14 |
869082a |
1 |
Heart to Heart - boy &
girl cupid |
picture |
$19 |
869082b |
1 |
My Love - boy & girl
cupid |
picture |
$19 |
902950 |
6* |
I Love Bears |
picture | $8 |
902969 |
5* |
I Love Hugs |
picture | $8 |
910732 |
7 |
Amy "Hearts Quilted With
Love" |
picture | $20 |
916307 |
3 |
Kelly "You're My One
And Only" |
picture | $22 |
916315 |
2 |
Nancy "Your Friendship
Makes My Heart Sing" |
picture | $25 |
916641 |
6 |
Olivia "Will You Be Mine" |
picture | $27 |
0000809 |
2 |
I Give You My Heart |
picture |
$15 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
914754 |
1 |
Jack -
January |
picture | $15 |
914762 |
2 |
Phoebe - February "Be Mine" |
picture | $15 | |
914770 |
5 |
Mark - March "Friendship Is In The Air" |
picture | $15 | |
914789 |
5 |
Alan - April + "Showers of Friendship" |
picture | $15 | |
914797 |
3 |
May "Friendship Is In Bloom" |
picture |
$15 | |
914800 |
1 |
June "Planting the
Seed of Friendship" |
picture | $15 | |
914819 |
3 |
Julie - July "A Day In The Park" |
picture | $15 | |
914827 |
5 |
Arthur - August "Smooth Sailing" |
picture | $15 | |
914835 |
1 |
Seth - September
"School Days" |
picture | $15 | |
914843 |
2 |
Oscar - October "Sweet Treats" |
picture | $15 | |
914851 |
4 |
Nicole - November "Thanks For
Friends" |
picture | $15 | |
914878 |
4 |
Denise - December "Happy Holidays
Friend" |
picture | $15 |
Item # |
Quantity |
FAMILY - including MOTHER,
Price | ||
101687 |
6 |
Katrina & Forrest
"Each Chapter Brings Us Closer Together" mom reading 3 Bears book to child (Adoption Center Exclusive) |
picture |
$27 |
101687X |
Katrina & Forrest
"Each Chapter Brings Us Closer Together" (1) mom reading 3 Bears book to child (Canadian Adoption Center Exclusive) |
picture |
$35 |
104066 |
4 |
Adam, Claire &
Kirsty "From Big To Small, Our Family Has It
All" |
picture | $25 |
118376 |
2 |
Grandmas Share Lots of
Love |
picture | $18 |
118377 |
2 |
Grandpas Share Lots of
Love (1U1D) |
picture | $18 |
127906 |
4 |
Grandpa Is God's Special
Gift (1U3D) |
picture | $18 |
127914 |
5 |
Grandma Is God's Special
Gift (1U4D) |
picture | $18 |
302988 |
9 |
"If a Mom's Love Comes In
All Sizes, Yours Has The Biggest of Hearts" |
picture |
$25 |
605301 | 2 |
Gift wrapped - "If a Mom's
Love Comes In All Sizes, Yours Has The Biggest of Hearts"
303054 |
Mom - Desk
Plaque (Q5) |
picture | $15 |
306614 |
1* |
Mom - Covered Box w/necklace | picture | $20 |
601578 |
3 |
Charissa &
Ashlynn "Mom & Daughter...first trip" |
picture | $25 |
624829 |
2 |
Child of Pride - older
son (1U1D) |
picture |
$12 |
624837 |
2 |
Child of Hope - young son (1U1D) | picture |
$12 |
624845 |
2 |
Child of Love - older daughter (1U1D) | picture |
$12 |
624853 |
5 |
Child of Kindness - young
daughter |
picture |
$15 |
624861 |
9 |
Mum - Canada version |
picture |
$29 |
624861 |
1 |
Mother - "A Mother's Love
Bears All Things" |
picture | $20 |
624888 |
4 |
Father "A Father Is The Bearer Of Strength" (1U3D) | picture | $22 |
651125 |
1* |
Our Cherished Family - 7
piece set |
picture |
$85 |
770469 |
1 |
When I Need a Hug, I Run to
Dad |
picture |
$15 |
0000813 |
1 |
I Love Mom/Mom Loves Me -
with mini blue figure boy with baseball bat |
picture |
$18 |
0000814 |
2 |
I Love Dad/Dad Loves Me -
with mini blue figure boy with baseball bat |
picture |
$18 |
0000815 |
1 |
I Love Dad/Dad Loves Me -
with mini pink figure girl with heart & teddy bear |
picture |
$18 |
0000816 |
I Love Mom/Mom Loves Me -
with mini pink figure |
picture | $18 |
4005157 |
0 |
Love You Sew Much, Daughter |
picture |
$19 |
105592 |
3 |
Skater's Waltz, action
musical (AVON) |
picture |
$37 |
111430 |
0 |
Clown on Ball "You
Make Me Smile" plays the tune Put On a Happy Face |
picture | $40 |
128058 |
4 |
Girl on Ottoman plays the
tune "Claire De La Lune" |
picture | $55 |
141089 |
2 |
A Very Beary Christmas -
boys at lamp post plays "The First Noel" (2.1 lbs) |
picture |
$50 |
272884 |
1 |
Girl skating musical
globe - plays the tune "Let It Snow" |
picture |
$45 |
292494 |
2 |
Sugar Plum Christmas Tree
musical |
picture | $45 |
292575 |
1* |
Boy Skating musical globe -
plays the tune "White Christmas" |
picture | $45 |
331465 |
1* |
Choo Choo Train
musical plays "Toyland" |
picture |
$55 |
331473 |
0 |
musical plays "Music Box Dancer" |
picture |
$40 |
SOLD | |
624926 |
2 |
Smooth Sailing musical -
plays "Love Will Keep Us Together" |
picture |
$59 |
651435 |
1* |
Bundled Up Holidays - 9
inch musical plays "Oh What a Merry Christmas Day" |
picture | $100 |
699322 |
1 |
Cuddle Me With Love - plays
"Schubert's Lullaby" (jointed) |
picture |
$60 |
787752 |
0 |
Bear Riding Carousel
Unicorn - Minuet #3 by Bach |
picture |
$45 |
916323 |
1 |
Bear holding harp
"Friendship Is Love That Lasts" - plays tune Love
Makes The World Go Round |
picture | $40 |
0000823 |
0 |
Meribeth |
picture | $40 |
SOLD | |
4002848 |
1 |
Sheridan, Keri, Elliot,
Trey & Lottie - Silent Night musical; lamp lights
(requires 2 AA batteries); limited edition 5,000 |
picture |
$65 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
112545 |
1 |
Elijah - Away In A Manager
picture | $25 |
176362 |
1 |
The Cherished One - Angel with Nativity
Prayer |
picture |
$14 |
41267 |
1 |
Celeste "An
Angel To Watch Over You" |
picture | $22 |
651095 |
2 |
Nativity Cow "That's What
Friends Are For" |
picture |
$32 |
706787 |
4 |
Eve "Everyone Needs Someone
To Watch Over Them" - Nativity figure |
picture | $45 |
864293 |
4 |
Ethan "As Long As The
Star Shines I Shall Follow It" |
picture | $20 |
904309 |
1 |
Camel "Friends Like
You Are Precious & True" |
picture | $38 |
912867 |
1 |
Sheep & Donkey |
picture | $27 set/2 |
912905 |
2* |
Ronnie "I'll Play My
Drum For Him" |
picture | $17 |
912980 |
3 each |
Angel with trumpet -
ornament picture Angel with bells - picture Angel with harp - ornament picture |
$15/each |
950688 |
Maria with Baby/Josh |
$38 |
950718 |
3 |
Three Kings (1U2D) Wilber with Teddy Edward With Donkey Richard With Camel |
picture | $95 |
950726 |
3 |
Sammy "Little Lambs
Are In My Care" |
picture |
$22 |
951137 |
4 |
Angie "I Brought The
Star" |
picture | $15 |
951218 |
2 (with box) |
Crech with Coverlet |
picture | $45 |
951218 |
1* - no box |
Crech with Coverlet | picture |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
128104 |
1 |
Jack & Jill
Bookends (damaged box) |
picture | $55 |
154016 |
5 |
Mother Goose &
Friend "Friends Of a Feather Flock Together"
(2U3D) |
picture | $50 |
302457 |
2 |
Brett "Come To
Neverland With Me" Peter Pan |
picture |
$25 |
302465 |
3 |
Alicia "Through The Looking
Glass, I See You" |
picture |
$23 |
302511 |
3 |
Lois "To
Grandmother's House We Go" - Little Red Riding Hood
picture |
$25 |
476463 |
5 |
Pinocchio "You've Got
My Heart On a String" |
picture | $30 |
476501 |
1* |
Wizard of Oz "Follow the
Yellow Brick Road" |
picture picture |
$75 |
624772 |
1 |
Jack & Jill "Our
Friendship Will Never Tumble" |
picture | $30 | |
624780 |
3 |
Little Jack Horner
"I'm Plum Happy You're My Friend" |
picture | $22 |
624799 |
2 |
Little Miss Muffet
"I'm Never Afraid With You At My Side" |
picture | $22 |
624802 |
3 |
Little Bo Peep
"Looking For A Friend Like You" (1U2D) |
picture | $23 |
624810 |
3 |
Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son
"Wherever You Go I'll Follow" + |
picture | $22 |
626074 |
3 |
Mary, Mary Quite
Contrary "Friendship Blooms With Loving Care" |
picture | $23 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
352659 |
2 |
Church |
picture | $22 |
352667 |
3 |
Decorated House |
picture | $22 |
352675 |
2 |
Winter Post
Office |
picture | $22 |
352683 |
2 |
Winter Train
Depot |
picture | $22 |
352691 |
3 |
Accessories set/3 |
picture picture |
$17 |
352691 |
1* |
Bear sitting by lamppost | picture | $6 |
352691 |
1* |
Bear sitting
under sign "Welcome To The Neighborhood" |
picture | $6 |
352691 |
1* |
Bear sitting on
bench |
picture | $6 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
107070 |
4 |
Joel "Wear
Your Country's Colors With Pride" |
picture |
$15 |
109636 |
4 |
"Hooray For the USA" |
picture |
$27 |
111688 |
2* |
Kurt &
Brody "Celebrate Life, Love, and
Friendship Every Day" |
picture |
$58 |
112397 |
2 |
"Brave Americans, One and All" |
picture | $23 |
281891 |
"Four Score and Seven Years Ago, We Became Best
Friends" boy with hat |
picture | $20 |
305979 |
"My Country Tis of Thee" |
$20 |
676888 |
6 |
Paul Revere "You Can Always Trust Me To Be There" | picture | $22 |
706957 |
1* |
Navy - Absence
Makes Friendships Grown Stronger" |
picture |
$22 |
742961 |
1* |
Coast Guard "Life Is Smooth Sailing With You" | picture | $22 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
107073 |
1 |
Herbert"The Snow Suits Me Just
Fine" |
picture |
$23 |
107074 |
5 |
"Friends Lift You Up When You're Down" |
picture |
$24 |
107075 |
0 |
"Friends Never Steer You Wrong" |
picture | $23 |
114120 |
3 |
Bruce "You
Always Pull Me In The Right Direction" |
picture | $23 |
114123 |
1 |
Martha "Fly
The Flag of Friendship Every Day" |
picture | $29 |
644382 |
2* |
"Friendship Can Sometimes Be Bumpy, But It's
Worth It" |
picture | $28 |
706973 |
7 |
Vernon &
Eva "Wherever Life Takes You, I Won't Be
Far Behind" |
picture |
$30 |
786861 |
4 |
Booker &
Fletcher "Together, Wherever We Go" |
picture | $30 |
661597 |
1 |
America's Promise
- Cherished Teddies plush with Radio Flyer |
picture | $31 |
845132 |
0 |
"Hold On To What Life Brings With Both
Hands" |
picture |
$20 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
219525 |
4 |
Casey -
caboose "Friendship Is The Perfect
End to the Holidays" (1U3D) |
picture | $29 |
219088 |
4 |
Colin - coal car "He Knows If You've Been Bad or Good" (1U3D) | picture | $27 |
269891 |
3 |
Lamppost Lights |
picture |
$12 |
219061 |
4 |
Lionel - train locomotive "All Aboard The Santa Express" (1U3D) | picture | $32 |
269913 |
2 |
Street Lamp with
Bear |
picture | $15 |
219487 |
3 |
Tony - mail car "A First Class Delivery For You" (1U2D) | picture | $28 |
219096 |
2 |
Toy car "Rolling Along with Friends & Smiles" (1U2D) | picture |
$28 |
935557 |
3 |
11 piece Train
Accessory set (1U2D) |
picture picture |
$30 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
104144 |
3 |
Ricky, Santa
#8 2002 |
picture | $47 |
112389 |
6 |
Stewart, Santa #9 2003 | picture | $45 |
118390 |
4 |
Nate, #10 Santa
2004 "Santa's Sleigh Is On the Way"
(2U2D) |
picture | $45 |
141100 |
3 |
Nickolas "You're At The Top Of My List" #1 Santa 1995 | picture | $40 |
141100 |
1 |
"You're At The Top Of My List" #1 Santa
1995 (no box) |
picture | $30 |
176036 |
11 |
"Bearer Of Good Tidings" #2 Santa
1996 (3U8D) |
picture | $52 |
272140 |
3* |
Kris "Up On The Rooftop" #3 Santa 1997 | picture | $50 |
352713 |
14 |
Santa "A Little
Holiday R&R" #4 Santa
1998 (3U11D) |
picture | $48 |
534242 |
4* |
"Celebrate Family, Friends &
Traditions" #5 Santa 1999 |
picture |
$42 |
706701 |
5* |
Wolfgang "The Spirit Of Christmas Is In Us All" Santa #6, 2000 | picture | $52 |
848565 |
4 |
Wendell, Santa #7 2001 | picture | $45 |
4008152 |
2 |
Stanley, #13
Santa 2007 "Finding out who's been naughty
and nice" (2U4D) |
picture |
$48 |
4013428 |
2* |
Scott & Sheila "Friendship is Sharing" #15 Santa 2009 | picture | $52 |
4023738 |
2* |
"Happily Through The Snow We Go" #17
2011 |
picture |
$48 |
4023652 |
3* |
"Make Way For The Perfect Christmas"
#18, 2012 |
picture |
$50 |
4040461 |
3* |
"Delivering Dreams Up, Up and Away!"
#20, 2014 |
picture |
$55 |
4047378 |
1* |
Santa Claus -
"Bringing Cheer Down The Chimney"
#21, 2015 |
picture |
$55 |
4059136 |
0 |
Grant - "Share A
Little Love" #23 |
$55 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
141119 |
9 |
Holly "A Cup Of
Homemade Love" |
picture | $27 |
141127 |
3 |
Ginger "Painting Your
Holidays With Love" |
picture | $27 |
141135 |
1 |
"Handsewn Holidays" |
picture |
$25 |
141143 |
4 |
Yule "Building
a Sturdy Friendship" |
picture | $27 | |
141925 |
2 |
Santa's Workshop
night light |
$92 |
176079 |
1 |
Set/3 accessories - bear
with North Pole sign, box with ornaments and
Santa's mail bag |
picture |
$15 |
625426 |
7 |
Girl with tray of cookies - 1995 ornament | picture | $25 |
625442 |
5 |
Elf with reindeer
toy ornament |
picture | $22 |
625434 |
1 |
Girl elf with doll - 1995 ornament | picture | $22 |
651370 |
4 |
Bear dressed as Santa ornament | picture | $22 |
651389 |
1 |
Elf on Candy Cane
ornament |
picture |
$25 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
104068 |
0 |
Marla - "For
Christmas Give Your Love" |
$30 |
104630 |
2 |
"Friends Like You Are Always True" |
picture |
$25 |
112388 |
1 |
"Life Is So Much S'more" |
picture |
$25 |
115635 |
4 |
"Let Winter Friends Warm Your Heart" 2003 Syndicated Catalog Exclusive; Limited Edition 3500 + |
picture |
$28 |
118393 |
1* |
Mack &
Mallory - "It's Snow Ball Without You" |
picture | $22 |
118394 |
1* |
Yvonne - "You're
Snow Special" |
picture | $20 |
269735 |
6 |
"Friendship Never Melts Away" (1U5D) |
picture | $30 |
4002841 |
1* |
Hayward &
Effie "Love Will Keep Us Warm" |
picture |
$32 |
4002842 |
0 |
"There's Snow Bear Like You" bear with basket |
$24 |
4023733 |
4 |
"There Is Sno' Friend Like An Old Friend"
(2U2D) |
picture |
$28 |
4036750 |
0 |
Gale - "A Flurry
of Friends" Signing Event Exclusive; Limited to 600 pieces |
picture |
$57 |
706884 |
3* |
Frosty &
Aurora - Catalog Exclusive |
picture |
$30 |
706892 |
4 |
Buddy - "And the
North Wind Shall Blow" |
picture | $25 | |
706906 |
6 |
Merry "In
the Meadow We Can Build a Snowman" (3U3D) |
picture |
$27 |
848573 |
4* |
Delight "I
Will Melt Your Heart" |
picture | $25 |
848581 |
2 |
"Brrrr..." |
picture |
$25 |
848603 |
2 |
- "In the Winter We Can Build a Snowman" |
picture | $30 |
865036 |
4 |
"Remember the Past, Cherish The Years
Ahead" 2001 |
picture |
$25 |
865044 |
3 |
2001 Snowbear
ornament |
picture | $22 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
352586 |
5 |
Missy, Cookie
& Riley "A Special Recipe For Our
Friendship" (2U3D) |
picture | $35 |
352594 |
5 |
Sharon "Sweetness Pours From My Heart" (2U3D) | picture | $20 |
352608 |
5 |
Wayne "Spoonfuls of Sweetness" (2U3D) | picture | $20 |
352616 |
5 |
Pamela & Grayson "A Dash of Love To Warm Your Heart" (2U3D) | picture | $23 |
362417 |
1 |
Sugar & Spice Mini Accessory set/6 - rolling pin, stove, mixing bowl, sugar, cabinet | $15 |
Quantity |
BALL (Retired series) |
Price |
156434 |
2* |
Robin "You
Steal My Heart Away" |
picture | $25 |
156442 |
1* |
"You're The Hero Of My Heart" |
picture |
$25 |
156477 |
2 |
Jilly "Won't
You Be My Sweetheart" |
picture | $25 |
156450 |
3 |
Darrel "Love
Unveils A Happy Heart" |
picture | $25 |
156469 |
3 |
Darla "My Heart
Wishes For You" |
picture | $25 |
156485 |
3 |
Craig & Cheri
"Sweethearts Forever" |
picture | $30 |
203114 |
11 |
Collector Set/3 includes Romeo, Juliet &
Balcony Display (9U2D) |
picture picture |
$65 |
CRT096 |
Sweetheart Ball resin display +
backdrop |
picture |
$40 |
302732 |
3 |
King & Queen
of Hearts - 3 piece set includes Katherine,
Harry & Trellis Display (1U2D) |
picture | $65 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
477494 |
1 |
Dave "An
Oldy But Goodie" |
picture | $20 |
477508 |
0 |
Dustin &
Austin "Hold On For The Ride Of Your Life" teddies in fire engine |
$30 |
477516 |
1 |
Roger "You
Set My Heart In Motion" |
picture |
$20 |
477524 |
1 |
Chad "With
You My Spirits Soar" teddie in airplane |
picture |
$20 |
477559 |
1 |
Ken "You
Make My Heart Race" teddie riding hot rod |
picture |
$20 |
789828 |
1 |
Warren "There's
No Limit To How Far You Can Go" |
picture | $20 |
789836 |
1 |
Andre "The Finish Line Is Only A Lap Away" | picture |
$25 |
Item # |
Quantity |
Price |
141275 |
6 |
Dina "Bear
In Mind, You're Special" (1U5D) |
picture | $22 |
141283 |
3 |
John "Bear
In Mind, You're Special" (1U2D) |
picture | $22 |
141291 |
3 |
"Suited Up For The Holidays" (1U2D)+ |
picture | $22 |
141305 |
4 |
"Giving Thanks For Our Family" |
picture | $22 |
141542 |
6 |
Table With
Food |
picture | $32 |
175560 |
1 |
We Bear Thanks -
complete set/5 of family at the dinner table Includes: 141283 John 141291 Rick 141305 Barbara 141542 Table 141275 Dina |
picture | $110 |
617075 |
3 |
Fest/Quilt (1U2D) |
picture |
$12 |
617091 |
2 |
"Giving Thanks For Friends" |
picture | $27 | |
617105 |
4 |
"Happiness Is Homemade" |
picture | $28 | |
617121 |
7 |
Wylie "I'm
Called Little Friend" + |
picture |
$25 |
617164 |
4 |
Willie "Bears Of
a Feather Stay Together" |
picture |
$25 |
617172 |
4 |
"Little Fair Feather Friend" |
picture |
$25 |
629707 |
5 |
Wyatt "I'm Called
Little Running Bear" |
picture |
$25 |
651427 |
4 |
Prayer |
picture |
$14 |
707031 |
5 |
Isaac, Jeremiah,
& Temperance "Faith of our
fathers" |
picture | $30 |
912751 |
Miles "I'm
Thankful For a Friend Like You" (Q3) |
picture |
$25 |
912808 |
6 |
"A Friend To Be Thankful For" |
picture | $26 | |
912816 |
2 |
"How I Love Being Friends With You" |
picture |
$25 |
912816 |
2 |
Bucky "How
I Love Being Friends With You" |
picture |
$25 |
4036331 |
1 |
""Autumn Days Bring a Harvest Of
Memories" Limited Edition Bear sitting on bench with pumpkins, 2013 Cherished Retailer Exclusive Limited to 600 pieces |
picture |
$90 |
ITEM # |
Quantity |
Price |
CTK1 |
Cherished Teddies
Collector's Starter Kit includes trial CD to manage your collection, full color collector's catalog plus figurine of Theodore, Samantha & Tyler "Friends Come In All Sizes" |
picture picture |
$28 |
100057 |
1 |
Rusty "Take
a Leap of Faith" (2 pc set) |
picture |
$35 |
103764 |
7 |
Hope "Our Love Is
Ever-Blooming" |
picture |
$25 |
103772 |
2 |
Gail "Catching The
First Blossoms Of Friendship" |
picture |
$25 |
103780 |
2 |
Lisa "My Best Is
Always You" |
picture |
$23 |
103810 |
5 |
Jennifer "Gathering The Blooms Of
Friendship" |
picture |
$27 |
103837 |
3 |
Christian "My Prayer
Is For You" |
picture | $32 SALE $25 |
103845 |
3 |
Christine "My Prayer
Is For You" |
picture | $32 SALE $25 |
104039 |
0 |
Don - 2002 Event exclusive. "Friends Are The Fun Part Of Life" | $21 |
104041 |
0 |
Yolanda "You Can
Never Disguise A Kind & Loving Heart"
(Q1) 2002 Convention Masquerade |
$27 |
SOLD | |
104047 |
1 |
"Cherish All Of Life's Friends" girl feeding geese - Canadian Exclusive |
picture |
$35 |
104054 |
3* |
Graham - “Spread Holiday
Cheer to Those You Hold Dear” 10th Anniversary (tree lights up) |
picture |
$55 |
104055 |
9 |
"Thank You Beary Much" Limited Edition |
picture |
$35 |
104139 |
3* |
Northrop - 2002 Ltd
Edition "You Make Every Place
Merrier" |
picture |
$40 |
104140 |
1 |
Hope plaque |
picture |
$10 |
104140 |
1 |
Charity plaque |
picture | $10 |
104140 |
1 |
Love plaque |
picture |
$10 |
104145 |
4 |
Beverly & Lila
"We Wish You a Merry
Christmas" Limited
Edition (2U2D) |
picture |
$25 |
104179 |
2 |
Ned "Deer Friends
Are Lasting Gifts" Sydnicated Catalog Exclusive Limited Edition 3,500 |
picture |
$25 |
104632 |
Bev, Bertha &
Bethany "Friends Keep Your
Spirits On Its Toes" Limited Edition 10,000 |
$65.00 |
104656 |
4 |
Marge &
Nell "Friends Will Always Help You Pull
Through" |
picture |
$23 |
104657 |
5 |
"Friends Were Meant For Times Like These" girl with puppy |
picture |
$20 |
104658 |
4 |
Hilda "You
Know How To Keep My Heart Warm" |
picture |
$18 |
104662 |
0 |
Evelyn "A Girl With
Style" |
$20 |
SOLD | |
104664 |
2 |
Roz, Rose, Rita &
Rodney "Are We There Yet" |
picture |
$25 |
104889 |
3 |
Bear with
chair/paper "I've Always Cherished Your
Love & Guidance" |
picture |
$20 |
105478 |
3* |
Gus &
Gerhild "I Cherish Every Moment Spent With
You" boy/girl in sleigh |
picture |
$68 |
105674 |
1 |
Red Hat
Society "Thanks For Showing Me Life Is
Beautiful" |
picture |
$27 |
107025 |
5 |
Vick "You Give My
Heart Wings to Soar" + |
picture |
$20 |
107028 |
4 |
Lark "Your
Friendship Lifts My Spirit" angel with flowers/scissors |
picture |
$18 |
107036 |
Sydney "Sprinkle a
Little Love Wherever You Go" |
picture |
$22 |
107068 |
2 |
Jana "Loyalty &
Friendship, Hand in Hand" |
picture |
$15 |
107071 |
1 |
Queen "I Am
The Queen" (queen bee) |
picture |
$23 |
109637 |
4 |
Dean "Smile You Have a Friend
In Me"
dentist figurine |
picture |
$20 |
110009 |
4 |
Desiree, Karina
& Shawn "Love Spans All Nations" St. Jude 2003 figurine |
picture |
$49 |
110014 |
3 |
Dee Dee
"Friendship Is Always On The Menu" |
picture |
$20 |
111350 |
2 |
Jodi - basketball
player "Our Friendship Is a Slam Dunk" |
picture |
$18 |
111505 |
0 |
Luke "A
Picture Is a Memory You Can Cherish Forever" boy with camera 2002 European Exclusive |
picture |
$35 |
112390 |
0 |
Selma &
Ariana "Winter Wonders, Faithful
Friends" |
picture |
$30 |
112412 |
2* |
Tessa - Peace On Earth |
picture |
$28 |
112413 |
2 |
"Thanks For Picking Me" |
picture |
$28 |
112414 |
1 |
Bear with wreath
hanging ornament |
picture |
$15 |
112546 |
2 |
Mia & Paulette
"Something sew special between us" |
picture | $40 |
114105 |
4 |
Lewis & Clark "We Proceeded on To Friendship" | picture |
$38 |
118374 |
1 |
Jonah "I
Can't Bear To Be Without You" |
picture |
$30 |
118375 |
0 |
Randy &
Jill "Always Snow Much Fun With
You" |
$50 |
118388 |
1 |
Let It Snow - photo frame & hanging ornament |
picture |
$20 |
118395 |
3 |
Suzy "Gifts of
Friendship Last the Longest" - girl with
packages |
picture |
$20 |
127965 |
2 |
Kiss The Hurt - bear with
hot water bottle |
picture | $22 |
3 |
Travis & Tucker
"We're In This Together" |
picture | $35 SALE $32 |
127981 |
1 |
Allison and
Alexandria "Two Friends Mean Twice The
Love" |
picture |
$25 |
128015 |
5 |
Seth and Sarabeth "We're Beary Good Pals" |
picture | $30
128023 |
5 |
Dorothy "Love Me
True" yellow bow with white dots |
picture |
$22 |
128023 |
1 |
Dorothy - white bow with
yellow dots "Love Me True" |
picture |
$22 |
128023 |
4 |
Christy / blue bow "Take Me
To Your Heart" |
picture |
$22 |
128023 |
1 |
Christy / white
bow "Take Me To Your Heart" |
picture |
$22 |
128023 |
0 |
"Love Me Tender" |
$20 |
SOLD | |
128031 |
11 |
& Greta 1995 Ltd Ed |
picture |
$50 | |
128031F |
1 |
Priscilla &
Greta - International Edition |
picture |
$55 |
131865 |
11 |
1996 Event Piece |
picture |
$20 |
131873 |
4 |
"Warm Hearted Friends" |
picture | $29 |
135593 |
1 |
Madeline "A Cup Full of
Friendship" |
picture | $25 |
135682 |
Marilyn "A Cup
Full of Cheer" (Q1) |
picture | $25 |
141178 | 6 |
Lindsey & Lyndon
Catalog Exclusive |
picture | $35 |
141178A |
13 |
Lindsey & Lyndon
Catalog Exclusive boy pushing girl in sled (color variation - white ribbon on girl's bonnet) |
picture |
$65 |
141186 |
7 |
Amanda "Here's Some Cheer
To Last The Year" 1995 dated figurine |
picture |
$27 |
141194 |
4 |
Kristen "Hugs of Love
and Friendship" |
picture | $30 |
141216 |
1 |
Cheryl & Carl "Wishing You a Cozy Christmas" boy/girl with tree |
picture |
$25 |
141224 |
1 |
Jamie &
Ashley "I'm All Wrapped Up In Your
Love" |
picture | $30 |
141259 |
1 |
Our First Christmas
ornament |
picture | $18 |
141313 |
5 |
Pat "Falling For You"
picture | $23 |
141348 |
3 |
Bea "Bee My Friend" girl dressed as bee |
picture | $19 |
155438 | 1 |
"A Mother's Heart Is Full of Love"
picture |
$35 |
155438A |
17 |
Jessica - catalog
exclusive "A Mother's Heart Is Full Of
Love" |
picture |
$45 |
156272 |
1 |
"Love Keeps Me Afloat" boy with bucket & duck |
picture |
$15 |
156353F |
"In Grandmother's Attic" - Intl Adoption
Center Exclusive, Ltd Ed 19,960 (Q1) |
picture | $85 |
156353 | 1 |
Tasha "In Grandmother's Attic" - Adoption Center Exclusive, Ltd Ed 19,960 | $55 |
156280 |
5 |
"Blessings Bloom When You Are
Near" |
picture | $20 |
156361 |
11 |
(cheerleader) "Let's Hear It For
Friendship" |
picture | $17 |
156396 |
3 |
Laura (nurse)
"Friendship Makes It All Better" |
picture |
$18 |
156418 |
7 |
(ballerina) "Friendship Keeps Me On My
Toes" (3U4D) |
picture | $20 |
156426 |
1 |
Linda "ABC
and 1-2-3, You're a Friend To Me" girl dressed as teacher |
* |
$20 |
158488 |
Letter Blocks A-M NOTE: A, E, L, N & R not available *see CRT101 for wooden display |
picture | $5/each |
158488 |
Letter Blocks O-X Note: A, E, L, N & R not available *see CRT101 for wooden display |
picture | $5/each |
158488 |
Alphabet Letter
Blocks Y-Z *see CRT101 for wooden display |
picture | $5/each |
175986 |
5 |
Angela "Peace On
Earth & Mercy Mild" 1998 Ltd Ed
(angel) |
picture | $30 |
175994 |
9 |
Grace "Glory To The
Newborn King" 1997 Ltd Ed
(angel) |
picture |
$30 |
176001 |
6 |
Stormi "Hark The
Herald Angels Sing" 1996 Ltd Ed
(angel) |
picture |
$30 |
176028 |
9 |
Erica "Friends are
always pulling for you" |
picture |
$25 | |
176087 |
3 |
Joy "You Always Bring
Joy" |
picture | $20 |
176095 |
1 |
"Catchin' The Holiday Spirit" Bear holding HO HO blocks |
picture |
$18 |
176109 |
2 |
Noel "An
Old Fashioned Noel To You" bear holding NOEL blocks |
picture |
$15 |
176117 |
Season of Love
plaque (Q2) |
picture |
$13 |
176133 |
2 |
(Retired) "Dropping You a Holiday
Greeting" |
picture |
$25 |
176141 |
2 |
Nolan - NOEL "A
String Of Good Tidings" |
picture | $25 |
176168 |
3 |
Joy ornament "You
Always Bring Joy" |
picture |
$15 |
176168 |
1 |
Ho Ho blocks
ornament |
picture |
$15 |
176222 |
Nathan "Leave
Your Worries Behind" (Q3) |
picture |
$22 |
176281 |
of Joy plate Retired (Q1) |
picture |
$15 |
176303 |
The Season of
Peace - sculpted plate hanging ornament
(Q1) |
picture | $15 |
176338 |
The Season For
Santa - sculpted plate hanging ornament |
picture | $15 |
176346 |
Baby's First
Christmas - sculpted plate hanging ornament |
picture |
$15 |
177768 |
4 |
Dangling Mittens Orn |
picture | $13 |
182966 | 2 |
Olga -
mauve "Feel the Peace...Hold
the Joy...Share the Love" (gray
squirrel) |
picture |
$69 |
182966 | 10 |
Olga - mauve
"Feel the Peace...Hold the Joy...Share the
Love" (pink squirrel) |
$55 |
199869 |
1 |
Jill "I'm
Always Good for a Soft Cuddle & a Warm Hug" girl/stuff bears |
picture |
$50 |
199877 |
1 |
Jenny "The
Bigger The Heart, The More Love It Can Hold" |
picture |
$28 |
202940 |
6 |
Jasmine "A Bouquet of
Blessings For You" GCC Exclusive |
picture |
$20 |
203300 |
6 |
Four Seasons: Megan "Spring Brings A Season Of Beauty" (2U4D) |
picture | $25 |
203335 |
4 |
Four Seasons: Kimberly "Summer Brings a Season of Warmth" |
picture | $28 |
203343 |
3 |
Four Seasons: Hannah "Autumn Brings A Season Of Thanksgiving" |
picture | $25 |
203351 |
7 |
Four Seasons: Gretchen "Winter Brings a Season of Joy" |
picture | $25 |
203440 |
6 |
Larry - basketball
player "You're my shooting Star" |
picture | $18 |
205354 |
Strike Up the Band - 5 year
piece |
picture | $75 |
215856 |
7 |
Can’t Bear to See You
Under the Weather |
picture | $15 |
215910 |
6 |
This Calls for a Celebration (1U5D) |
picture | $15 |
22614 |
1 |
Boxed gift set - includes figurine "I Just Called to Say I Love You", address book, pencil, 30 min phone card | picture picture |
$25 |
265780 | 5 |
Sabrina, Tiffany "We're Three Of a
Kind" 1997 Adoption Center
Exclusive Ltd Ed 25,000 |
picture |
$40 |
265780F | 1 |
Danielle, Sabrina, Tiffany "We're Three Of a Kind" 1997 International Adoption Center Exclusiv, Ltd Ed 17,500 | picture |
$45 |
265799 |
10 |
Kara "You're a Honey
of a Friend" 1997 Adoption Center
Event exclusive |
picture | $18 |
265810 |
6 |
Sylvia "A Picture
Perfect Friendship" - 1997 Regional Event
figurine |
picture |
$22 |
269727 |
6 |
Ted "Snow Fun
When You're Not Around" |
picture | $19 |
269743 |
4 |
Spencer "I'm Head
Over Skis For You" |
picture | $20 |
269751 |
5 |
Adam "It's a Holiday
On Ice" Retired |
picture | $20 |
269778 |
5 |
"Skating On Holiday Joy" (2U3D) |
picture | $20 |
269786 |
6 |
James "Going My Way
For The Holidays" |
picture | $30 |
269832 |
3 |
Jordan "Cup Full of Joy" - cup/mini plate Retired | picture | $25 |
269840 |
3 |
Joann "Cup Full of Love" - cup/mini plate Retired | picture | $25 |
269859 |
2 |
Jean "Cup Full of Peace" - cup/mini plate Retired | picture | $25 |
269980 |
2 |
Cathy "An Autumn
Breeze Blows Blessings To Please"
(2U1D) |
picture | $25 |
271543 |
1* |
Giving You My
Heart - teddy bear angel limited edition with
hanging ornament stand |
picture |
$27 |
272159 |
6 |
Sven & Liv "All
Paths Lead to Friendship & Kindness" -
1997 Limited Edition (1U5D) |
picture | $55 |
272361 |
9 |
Newton "Ringing in
the New Year With Cheer" |
picture | $15 SALE $13 |
272388 |
3 |
Nutcracker Suite
- 4 pc set includes Clara, Boy Prince, Mouse
King & Herr Drosselmeyer (2U1D) |
picture |
$70 |
273198 |
"Let's Ride Thru Life Together" Level 1 1997-98 Cherished Rewards |
picture |
$42 |
273554 |
2 |
Amelia "You
Make Me Smile" 1997-1998 Cherished Rewards Level 2 |
picture |
$35 |
277002 |
3 |
Jane Level 3 Cherished Reward |
picture |
$35 |
279641 |
3 |
Nutcracker Suite Furniture | picture | $40 |
295264 |
1 |
"Sitting Pretty" |
picture |
$28 |
302473 |
2* |
Christina "I Found My
Prince In You" |
picture |
$29 |
302481 |
2 |
Harvey &
Gigi "Finding The Path To Your
Heart" |
picture |
$35 |
302570 |
2 |
Kelsie - Apple of My
Eye |
picture | $20 |
302600 |
10 |
Kaitlyn "Old
Treasures, New Memories" In The Attic Series |
picture | $55 |
302651 |
4 |
Growing Better Each Year (1U3D) |
picture | $23 |
302945 302848 302856 302864 302872 302899 302902 302910 302929 |
* |
Number Blocks #0 - 1 #2 - 1 #3 - 2 #4 - 1 #5 - 1 #6 - 2 #7 - 2 #8 - 2 #9 - 2 |
picture picture |
$6/each |
308676 |
2 |
"Memories To Wear and Share"
#2 In the Attic series |
picture |
$35 |
308684 |
1 |
"Cherished Memories Never Fade" girl with doll and hat box In The Attic Series |
picture |
$35 |
310735 |
4 |
Lynn "A handmade
holiday wish" (1U3D) |
$23 |
310735A |
3 |
"A Handmade Holiday Wish" 1997 Fall
catalog exclusive (1U2D) |
picture |
$23 |
337463 | 7 |
Lance "Come Fly With Me" 1999 Event Exclusive |
picture | $25 |
337579 |
9 |
Penny, Chandler, and
Boots "We're Inseparable" Limited
Edition 1998 |
picture |
$40 |
352799 |
6 |
Segrid, Justaf &
Ingmar "The Spirit of Christmas Is
In Our Hearts" (3U3D) |
picture |
$55 |
352950 |
2* |
Frank & Helen
"Snow One Like You" - Catalog exclusive |
picture |
$25 |
352969 |
4 |
Carol "Angels Snow
How To Fly" |
picture |
$18 |
352977 |
6 |
Humphrey "Just the
Bear Facts, Ma'am" - 1998 Event
Exclusive |
picture |
$57 |
354244 |
5 |
Keith & Deborah
"The Holidays Are Twice As 'Ice" boy/girl skating doubles |
picture |
$35 |
354260 |
5 |
Shannon "A Figure 8,
Our Friendship Is Great" |
picture |
$20 |
356255 |
Mike, National Adoption
Center Figurine 1998 "I'm Sweet On You" (Q5) |
picture |
$30 |
368156 |
5 |
Alex "Cherish The Little Things" 1999 exclusive tour figurine |
picture |
$20 |
368164 |
1 |
Marlene &
Marissa "Good Friends Are Always Beary
Near" Cherished Memories promotional figurine |
picture |
$35 |
466271 |
5 |
Sierra "You're My
Partner" 1998 Gift Show Exclusive |
left |
$20 |
466298 | 2 |
Roy "I'm
Your Country Cowboy" 1998 Gift Show Exclusive |
right |
$20 |
466301 |
5 |
Bonnie & Harold
"Ring In The Holidays With Me" |
picture |
$30 |
466328 |
14 |
Paul "Good Friends
Warm The Heart With Many Blessings" 1999 Adoption Center Exclusive |
picture |
$28 |
476390 |
2 |
Kyle "Even
Though We're Far Apart, You'll Always Have a
Place In My Heart" boy in blue overalls |
picture |
$17 |
476404 |
3 |
Irene "Time Leads Us
Back To The Things We Love Most" |
picture |
$20 |
476412 | 2 |
Joe "Love Only Gets
Better With Age" old grey bear |
picture |
$15 |
476471 |
1 |
Joseph "Everyone Has Their Old Friends To Hug" | $25 |
476471A |
1 |
"Everyone Has Their Old Friends To Hug" |
picture |
$25 |
476498 |
3 |
Randy "You're never
alone with good friends around" |
picture |
$23 SALE $21 |
476536 |
3 |
Delia “You're The Beary Best
Babysitter” |
picture |
$20 |
476587 |
2 |
Harriet "You Make Me
Feel Beautiful Inside" beautician |
picture |
$23 |
476595 |
0 |
Tanna "When
Your Hands Are Full, There's Still Room In Your
Heart" girl with basket of teddies - Retailer Gift Show special limited edition Series: Friends Come in All Shapes & Sizes |
$25 |
476617 |
1 |
"Wishing You Love Straight From The Heart" girl with blanket & goose - NALED exclusive |
picture |
$30 |
476633 |
1 |
"Reach Out To Someone Around You" |
picture |
$18 |
476641 |
2 |
Junior - "Every One is a
Bear's Best Friend" |
picture |
$15 |
476668 |
5 |
Ruth & Gene "Even
Though We Don't See Eye To Eye, We're Always
Heart To Heart" (Q5) |
picture |
$25 |
476676 |
4 |
Stanley & Valerie -
covered box |
picture |
$35 |
476684 |
2 |
Fay & Arlene
- "Thanks For Always Being By My
Side" |
picture |
$25 |
476706 |
5 |
Miranda "No Matter
How Blue You Feel, A Hug Can Heal" - 1998 Gift
Show Exclusive |
picture |
$32 |
476714 |
3 |
Cole - 1998 Exclusive
"We've got a lot to be thankful for" |
picture |
$33 |
476722 |
5 |
Marty - 1998
Exclusive "I'll always be there for
you" (Q8) |
picture |
$29 |
476730 |
5 |
"You've Sailed Straight Into My Heart" girl wearing sailor suit, U.K. Exclusive |
picture |
$32 |
476757 |
0 |
"Friends Give You Wings To Fly" |
$18 |
476763 |
5 |
Pinocchio "You've Got
My Heart On a String" |
picture | $30 |
476765 |
2 |
Norm "Patience Is a
Fisherman's Virtue" |
picture |
$25 |
476781 |
4 |
Matt & Vicki Swan Ride
picture |
$35 |
476811 |
4 |
Winfield "Anything Is
Possible When You Wish On a Star" - Millennium
Limited Edition |
picture | $50 |
476846 |
16 |
Wesley, Philip, Fiona &
Renee "The Company We Keep Is a Reflection of
Ourselves" Intl Collectibles Expo McRand Exclusive 1999 |
picture | $45 |
477893 |
5 |
Glenn "By
Land Or My Sea, Let's Go - Just You & Me" Nantucket Limited Edition |
picture |
$35 |
477915 |
2 |
Anita "Wishing You
Love Straight From the Heart" - 1995
Exclusive |
picture |
$25 |
481696 |
2 |
Winnie - "You're
My Perfect Prince" |
picture |
$19 |
482544 |
4 |
Stephanie &
Melanie set/3 Cherished Retailers
Exclusive Ltd Ed 10,000 "Tea and cookies warm the soul, but close friends warm the heart" (3U1D) |
picture |
$70 |
484822 |
7 |
Evan "May Your
Christmas Be Trimmed In Happiness" NALED
Exclusive |
picture |
$30 |
500364 |
3* |
Clarence, Parade of Gifts
Exclusive |
picture |
$30 |
506818 |
12 |
Jude "Love Is The Beary
Best Bedtime Story" |
picture |
$18 |
508659 |
2 |
Cameron, Canadian
Exclusive "Our Friendship is Building with
Each New Adventure" |
picture |
$39 |
510947 |
3 |
Tammy, girl in poodle skirt
- 1999 Regional Event Exclusive |
picture |
$75 |
510955 |
3 |
Sally & Skip - We Make
a Perfect Team |
picture |
$35 |
510963 |
5 |
Dennis "You Put The
Spice In My Life" 1999 Event
Exclusive |
picture |
$22 |
533637 |
13 |
Bette "You Are The Star Of
The Show" - 1999 Adoption Center Exclusive
picture |
$22 |
533815 |
5 |
Kayla - "Big Hearts Come In
Small Packages" 1999 Gift Show Exclusive |
picture |
$25 |
533858 |
3 |
John &
William "Where Friends Meet, Hearts
Warm" |
picture |
$39 |
533866 |
2 |
Alyssa - "You Warm My
Soul" |
picture |
$18 |
533874 |
4 |
& Janay - "When I Count My Blessings,
I Count You Twice" (3U1D) |
picture |
$25 |
533890 |
9 |
Felicia - "Joy To
The World" |
picture |
$20 |
533904 |
3 |
Emma "Let Earth
Proclaim Its Peace" |
picture |
$25 |
533912 |
3 |
- "Let Heaven & Nature Sing" |
picture |
$20 |
534145 |
1 |
Haley & Logan
"Sisters & Hugs Soothe The Soul" |
picture |
$25 |
534153 |
2 |
June & Jean "I've Always Wanted To Be Just Like You" | picture |
$20 |
534218 |
4 |
Nikki "A
Cold Winter's Day Won't Keep Me Away" |
picture | $12 |
534226 |
4 |
"You're As Cozy As a Pair of Mittens" |
picture | $12 |
534234 |
4 |
Anne "So
Glad You're Here To Keep Me Warm" |
picture | $12 |
534250 |
5 |
Star - Cherish Yesterday,
Dream Tomorrow, Live Today; 1999 Ltd
Ed (3U2D) |
picture |
$55 |
537810 |
3 |
Justine & Janice
"Sisters & Friendship are Crafted With Love"
picture |
$25 |
538299 |
6 |
Katie, Renee, Jessica &
Matthew "I'm Surrounded By Hugs"
Show Exclusive |
picture |
$35 |
542091 |
3 |
I Love Hugs -
girl holding pillow with sweater |
picture |
$22 |
542644 |
6 |
Milton - "Wishing For A
Future As Bright As The Stars" Boy On Rocket Ship Millennium Event Figurine |
picture |
$27 |
546542 |
7 |
Bear in sleigh hanging
ornament |
picture |
$20 SALE $17 | |
546550 |
9 |
Drummer Boy hanging
ornament |
picture |
$20 SALE $17 | |
597392 |
4 |
Chelsea & Daisy - 1999
Event Exclusive "Old Friends Always Find
Their Way Back" |
picture | $39 |
601551 |
4 |
Simone & Jhodi
"I've Always Believed In You" |
picture |
$25 |
601586 |
3 |
Roxie & Shelly
"What A Story We Share" + |
picture |
$25 |
601594 |
4 |
Skylar & Shana
"When You Find A Sunbeam, Share The Warmth" |
picture |
$25 |
601624 |
3 |
"Friends Of Old Are Dear To Hold" Canadian Exclusive |
picture picture picture |
$40 |
617113 |
10 |
Phoebe "A Little
Friendship Is A Big Blessing" |
picture |
$18 |
617245 |
4 |
Nils "Near and Deer for
Christmas" |
picture |
$25 |
622796 |
9 |
Eric "Bear Tidings Of
Joy" |
picture |
$23 |
622818 |
8 |
Sonja "Holiday Cuddles" |
picture |
$20 |
624918 |
17 |
Teddy & Roosevelt,
Limited Edition 1993 |
picture |
$35 |
626066 |
1 |
Betty "Bubblin' Over
With Love" |
picture |
$20 |
627372a |
1 |
A Friend is a Treasure of
Heart - hanging plaque bear with goose |
picture |
$10 |
627372b |
2 |
Home is Where the Heart Is
- - hanging plaque bear with toy teddy |
picture |
$10 |
627372c |
2 |
Welcome - - hanging plaque
bear with wreath |
picture | $10 |
627372d |
1 |
Live Well, Laugh Often,
Love Much - - hanging plaque bear with straw hat |
picture |
$10 |
644358F |
2 |
Baxter &
Friend "It's Not the Size Of The Friend, But The
Size Of Their Heart" IPR Edition (Initial Production Run) |
picture |
$25 |
646504 |
3 |
Rodney reindeer figurine in
tin with plush (1U2D) |
picture picture |
$28 |
661740 |
4 |
Chantel & Fawn - 2
piece set "We're Kindred
Spirits" (1U3D) |
picture |
$45 |
661759 |
3 |
"Cherished Your Spirit" |
picture |
$29 |
661767 |
2 |
Daphne "Let Your
Spirit Soar" |
picture |
$35 |
661783 |
3 |
Russell & Ross
"Thanks For Touching Me" + |
picture |
$23 |
661791 |
3 |
Dad, Drake &
Dustee "You Have A Very Special Way of
Lifting Spirits" |
picture |
$25 |
661821 |
1 |
Melinda "I'm Only a Hop,
Skip and a Jump Away If You Need Me" bear
with jump rope |
picture |
$18 |
661848 |
1 |
Albert &
Susan "Whenever life hands you
lemons, make lemonade" Series: Childhood Memories |
picture |
$30 |
661848S |
7 |
Albert &
Susan "Whenever life hands you
lemons, make lemonade" - Early Edition Series: Childhood Memories |
picture picture |
$35 |
661856 |
2 |
Fred "You're The Best
Thing Since Sliced Bread" |
picture |
$28 |
661864 |
1 |
Ernst & Bugsy
"Looks Like Trouble Is Just Around The Corner" |
picture |
$28 |
661872 |
3 |
Kim "Treat Yourself
To Life's Little Pleasures" girl with pinwheel |
picture |
$20 |
661899 |
0 |
Dawn "Every Once In A While, There's A Bump In The Road" - girl with roller skates | $19 |
661929 |
6 |
Lydia "You're The
Bees Knees" - Limited Edition |
picture |
$35 |
661953 |
1 |
Tess &
Friend "Things Do Not Change, We Do" Initial production run |
picture |
$30 |
661953F |
1 |
Tess &
Friend "Things Do Not Change, We Do"
picture |
$28 |
661996 |
3 |
Caleb &
Friends "When
One Lacks Vision Another Must Provide
Supervision" 2000 Cherished Friends Event figurine |
picture |
$25 |
662003 |
1 |
Sawyer &
Friends - "Hold on to the past, but look
to the future" - teddie hugging large grown bear
with cream bear |
picture |
$30 |
662011 |
1 |
Bailey &
Friend "The Only Thing More
Contagious Than a Cold Is a Best Friend" |
picture |
$23 |
662038 |
6 |
Heather &
Friends "Remembering The Simple Pleasures
Of Childhood" Toys for Tots |
picture |
$38 |
662046 |
2 |
Homer &
Friend "Adventure Is Just Around the
Corner" |
picture |
$35 |
662437 |
2 |
Vanessa "You're My Shelter
From The Storm" |
picture |
$23 |
662453A |
Lacey, Paint Your Own
Figurine |
picture |
$27 |
662461 |
2 |
Theresa "You Have
Such Wonderful Grace" |
picture |
$20 |
662496 |
2 |
Wilfred "A lifetime
of friendship, a trunk full of memories"
(1.25 lbs) |
picture |
$25 |
662518 |
1 |
Collette "Outer Beauty Is A
Reflection of Inner Beauty" |
picture |
$22 |
663891 |
1* |
Bear with bible - Communion |
picture |
$10 |
666718 |
3 |
Circle of Love, Catalog
Exclusive |
picture |
$45 |
666963 |
2 |
Loretta - 1999 Catalog
Exclusive "I'm Warm & Cozy Over
You" |
picture | $27 |
676845 |
10 |
Tori "Friends
are the Sweetest Part of Life" |
picture |
$25 |
676861 |
6 |
Danny "You're The Finest Friend In The Forest" | picture |
$23 |
676934 |
5 |
Londa "A sweet friendship
is the slice of life" Gocollect.com exclusive figurine |
picture |
$25 |
676942 |
1 |
Corey "I
Know How To Take Care of Business" girl with computer |
picture |
$23 |
679089 |
1* |
Cecelia - Gift set with
figurine, scented sachet, & rose-shaped
candle |
picture picture |
$30 |
684457 |
4 |
Spring Exclusive - bear in blue overalls with
a pastel-colored kite and a small
waterball with a birdhouse inside with
glitter + |
picture |
$22 |
686999 |
2* |
Cherished Teddies Computer
Set includes figurine Terry the computer bear, mouse pad, screen saver floppy disk |
picture |
$30 |
706639 |
3 |
"We'll Share Secrets Until The Wee Hours"
Regional Event Exclusive |
picture |
$27 |
706728 |
3 |
Irmgard "Your Smile
Can Melt Any Heart" |
picture |
$27 |
706744 |
4 |
Clement & Jodie
"Try, Try & Try Again" |
picture |
$20 |
706795 |
7 |
"Touches of Heaven Can Be Found On Earth"
picture |
$24 |
706809 |
7 |
- Thanks For Helping Me Get My
Wings (2U5D) |
picture |
$50 SALE $45 |
706817 |
3 |
Carter &
Friends "Take Time For Others & Others
Will Take Time For You" (1U2D) |
picture | $25 |
706841 |
6 |
Ralph - "Bring Joy To Those
You Hold Deer" (4U2D) |
picture |
$18 |
706868 |
3 |
Bobby "A
Good Friendship Is Always Worth Protecting" boy dressed as English policeman |
picture |
$20 |
706876 |
1 |
"Your Friendship Means The World To Me" |
picture | $40 |
706833 |
7 |
"Friends Are The Best Cure For The Winter
Blues" |
picture | $17 |
706965 |
3 |
"Life Is Filled With Ups & Downs" |
picture | $18 |
706981 |
5 |
Rosemary &
Ronald "A Hug is Worth a Thousand Words, A
Friend is Worth More" Raggedy Ann & Andy |
picture |
$32 |
707007 |
1 |
Dewey - Coke "Enjoy
Your Friends, They're the Refreshments of Life" |
picture |
$25 |
707384 |
4 |
Girl on Christmas Wreath
Plaque |
picture |
$18 SALE $16 |
707619 |
1 |
Ida "Your
Friendship Eases All My Cares" |
picture |
$29 |
707627 |
1 |
Becca "We
Share A Bond That Will Last Forever"
(Girl W/Toys) |
picture |
$28 |
726621 |
1 |
Joey & Lindsey "We Can Weather Any Storm Together" | picture |
$30 |
726761 |
1 |
Pansy "A Blossoming
Friendship Always Makes a Heart Smile" |
picture |
$15 |
728063 |
1 |
Heather "A
True Friend Is Someone To Admire" |
picture |
$15 |
728608 |
1* |
Home is Where The
Heart Is, and Ours Is Filled With Love - hot air
balloon; Limited Edition 12,500 |
picture |
$68 |
731870 |
2 |
Bryce "I
Scored a Strike When I Met You" - bowler |
picture |
$25 |
738638 |
Val - It's Always Time To Say I Love You (figurine & watch set) | picture |
$30 |
739049 |
4 |
Dawn "You Don't
Have To Search Far To Find Your Rainbow" |
picture | $22 |
759511 |
9 |
Cherished Friends Along The Way Collector Event Figurine |
picture |
$55 |
759511C |
Cherished Friends Along The Way Collector Event Figurine - Canada (Q1) |
759511P |
2 |
2000 Cherished
Teddies Event pin |
picture |
$3 |
0.4 |
778311 |
1 |
"Sometimes Life Needs a Push" |
picture |
$20 |
784974 |
11* |
Darren - 3rd in series with
plush |
picture picture |
$25 |
786543 |
1 |
"Friends Like You Are Cherished And Few" |
picture | $25 |
786578 |
8 |
Mimi, Darcie, & Missy -
Special Issue |
picture |
$50 |
786683 |
3 |
& Friend "Share Life's Little
Joys" |
picture |
$25 |
786691 |
3 |
Elmer & Friends
"Friends Are The Thread That Holds The Quilt Of
Life Together" |
picture |
$30 |
786705 |
2 |
Wanda "A
Sprinkling of Fairy Dust Will Make You Feel
Better" |
picture |
$20 |
786837 |
3 |
"Honey You Are The Sweetest" |
picture |
$20 |
786845 |
8 |
Diana "Bear
Hugs" Adoption Center National event one day only 1/20/2001 |
picture |
$15 |
789577 |
1 |
Austin &
Alma "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" 2001 Cherished Retailer Fall Event Exclusive, limited to 10,000 pieces |
picture |
$58 |
789585 |
1 |
Cynthia, Ethel, Nanette,
Lola, Opal & Janel "Love Passes From
Generation to Generation" |
picture |
$55 |
789615 |
Roberta - tennis bear
(Q2) |
picture |
$15 |
789631 |
2 |
Patty & Peggy
"Spending Time With You Is Priceless" |
picture |
$25 |
789666 |
2 |
Jan & Elise "This Is The Start Of Your Bright & Exciting Future" | picture |
$18 |
789755 |
7 |
"Nothing's Better Than a Teddy Bear Hug"
(Q7) Adoption Center Exclusive |
picture |
$28 |
789771 |
1 |
"We'll Always Be Just You and Me" girl pushing bear in stroller |
picture |
$25 |
790516 |
3 |
Tooth Fairy
Covered Box - 2 piece tooth shaped dish |
picture picture |
$12 |
795607 |
5 |
Katrina, Fritz
& Forrest - Adoption Center Exclusive L.E.
10,000 "Friendship Appears In The Most Unlikely Places" girl/three bears |
picture |
$35 |
795607X |
1 |
Katrina, Fritz
& Forrest - International Event "Friendship Appears In The Most Unlikely Places" girl/three bears |
picture | $40 |
797154 |
Doris - gift set with
figurine, 30 minute phone card, address book |
picture | $25 |
797170 |
5 |
Just Called To Say I Love
You - gift set with figurine, notepad,
frame (1U4D) |
picture picture |
$25 |
789801 |
0 |
Vince & Connor
"Shooting for keeps" - playing
marbles |
$25 |
789879 |
2* |
Sparky "Your cheerful
ways bring better days" |
picture |
$15 |
805610 |
2 |
"You Are The Key To My Heart" |
picture | $23 |
805610S |
3 |
"You Are The Key To My Heart" - includes
figurine & sequin box |
picture |
$25 |
811734 |
7 |
Chuck - John Deere
"Wherever Life Takes You, I Won't Be Far
Behind" (2U5D) |
picture |
$25 |
811742 |
3 |
Jerold & Mary Ann
"What would game night be without you?"
Monopoly |
picture |
$30 SALE $27 |
811750 |
3 |
"Colorful Days Are Spent With You" |
picture |
$20 |
833274 |
1* |
A Kiss Makes Everything
Better |
picture |
$10 |
833444 |
1 |
Pauline "A
Woman's Work Is Never Done" Canadian
Exclusive |
picture |
$27 |
834238S |
4 |
Buffy "You
Fill My Life With Simple Pleasures" |
picture | $35 |
851523 |
6 |
Wes "I Want
To Be a Rough Rider Too" |
picture |
$24 |
851809 |
2* |
Sheila - Limited
to 6,000 pieces worldwide "Sometimes You Just Need A Little Peace & Quiet" |
picture |
$47 |
852783 |
1 |
"Happiness Inside & Out" |
picture | $25 |
864218 |
4* |
Astrid - It's Not the Size of the Gift But
What's Inside That Counts
picture |
$30 |
864226 |
2 |
Charlotte &
Elaine "A Woman's Work Is Never Done" |
picture | $30 |
864277 |
1 |
Caroline - Like the Stars
of Heaven I Will Light the Way |
picture |
$23 |
864285 |
3 |
Guy "I Come Bearing Gifts
For Everyone" |
picture |
$22 |
864307 |
4 |
Sonny - Holiday gift set
with stocking |
picture |
$23 |
864323 |
1 |
Candy "You
Are a Sweetie" |
picture |
$25 |
864315 |
6 |
Brenna "Nothing makes
life more special than being surrounded by
friends" |
picture |
$45 SALE $38 |
864331 |
1 |
Priscilla & Clara - It's Those Cherished Times That The Sweetest Memories -signed by Glenn | picture |
$45 |
864331 | 1 |
Priscilla & Clara - It's Those Cherished Times That The Sweetest Memories | |||
864358 |
2 |
Alisa &
Anthony "Ten Years With You - Friends So
True" Queen/King Rosemont International Gift & Collectible Expo Exclusive; Limited Edition 3000 Worldwide |
picture |
$37 |
864382 |
3 |
Judy & Diane
"Always Remember I'm Just a Phone Call
Away" |
picture |
$25 SALE $22 |
865079 |
2 |
Waterglobe mermaid -
Adoption Center Exclusive, limited 10,000 pieces |
picture |
$29 |
865095 |
3 |
Terry "Always Stay On
Track" |
picture |
$23 |
865109 |
2 |
Audrey - "The Coldest Days
Call For The Warmest Friend" |
picture |
$20 SALE $18 |
865133 |
9 |
Joan "The
Best Part of Winter Is The Time I Spend With
You" Special Event |
picture |
$18 |
867470 |
6 |
Edna "The Leaves of Change Bring Back The Fondest Memories" | picture |
$45 |
867489 |
5 |
Fay "An
Angel's Touch Is Never Far
Away" (Show Exclusive) |
picture |
$28 |
873438 |
3 |
Carlton "A
Tumble in the Snow Brings Lots of Ho Ho
Ho's" |
picture |
$20 |
874728 |
2 |
Paula "Helping Others
is the Best Part of My Job" |
picture |
$18 |
900362 |
7 |
Abigail "Inside We're All The Same" |
picture | $20 |
906530 |
1* |
Angel bell / resin
halo |
picture |
$30 |
910708 |
8 |
Heidi &
David "Special Friends" |
picture | $25 |
910724 |
1 |
Priscilla "Love Surrounds
Our Friendship" |
picture |
$20 |
910740 |
3 |
Timothy "A Friend Is
Forever" |
picture |
$18 |
910759 |
7 |
"Friendship Softens a Bumpy Ride"
(1.5 lbs) |
picture |
$30 |
910767 |
4 |
Marie "Friendship Is A
Special Treat" |
picture |
$22 |
910775 |
0 |
Michael &
Michelle "Friendship is a cozy
feeling" |
$32 |
911372 |
3 |
Tracie &
Nicole "Side By Side With Friends" |
picture |
$35 |
911410 |
1 |
"Thank You For a Friend That's True" - boy
praying 1 |
picture |
$21 |
911429 |
"Thank You For The Sky So Blue" (Q1) girl praying |
* |
$21 |
911739H |
2 |
Harrison "We're Going
Places" |
picture |
$18 |
911739T |
0 |
Thomas "Chuggin'
Along" |
$18 |
911739J |
1 |
"Sail With Me" |
picture |
$18 |
911747 |
2 |
Freda & Tina "Our
Friendship Is A Perfect Blend" |
picture | $38 |
912840 |
3 |
Mary -
pulling sled "A Special Friend Warms The
Season" |
picture | $27 |
912921 |
2 |
Carolyn "Wishing
You All Good Things" |
picture |
$25 |
912956 |
2 |
Hans "Friends In
Toyland" |
picture |
$25 |
914894 |
4 + 1 wrong box |
Bear in Santa cap -
jointed ornament |
picture | $15 |
916277 |
8 |
Elizabeth &
Ashley "My Beary Best Friend" |
picture |
$28 |
916285 |
1 |
Holding On To
Somone Special - Customer Appreciation Teddy
Figurine |
picture | $55 |
916293 |
8 |
Victoria "From My
Heart To Yours" |
picture |
$22 |
935077 |
2 |
Rose, Melinda,
Jackie, Christopher & Friends
"Reunited For a Day, Together For a Lifetime,
Ten Cherished Years" (1U1D) |
picture |
$98 |
950424 |
6 |
Camille "I'd Be Lost
Without You" |
picture |
$22 |
950432 |
3* |
Sara "Love Ya" -
white bow |
picture | $18 |
950432 |
5 |
Jacki - green bow |
picture |
$18 |
950432 |
4 |
Karen "Best Buddy" - orange
bow |
picture |
$18 |
950440 |
3 |
Katie "A Friend
Always Knows When You Need a Hug" |
picture |
$22 |
950459 |
3 |
Anna "Hooray For
You" |
picture |
$25 |
950475 |
10 |
Jasmine "You Have
Touched My Heart" |
picture | $25 |
950483 |
3 |
Christopher "Old Friends
Are The Best Friends" |
picture |
$55 |
950505 |
6 |
Theo, Sam,
Tyler "Friends Come In All
Sizes" |
picture |
$25 |
950513 |
2 |
Nathaniel &
Nellie "It's Twice As Nice With You" |
picture |
$35 |
950521 |
12 |
Jeremy "Friends Like
You Are Precious & True" |
picture | $18 |
950548 |
13 |
Benji "Life Is Sweet,
Enjoy" |
picture |
$18 |
950556 |
1 |
Joshua "Love Repairs All" |
picture |
$25 |
950564 |
1* |
Beth & Blossom with
butterfly |
picture |
$60 |
950564 |
Beth & Blossom without butterfly | picture |
$50 |
950572 |
12 |
Mandy "I Love You
Just The Way You Are" |
picture | $18 |
950637 |
4 |
Beth "Bear Hugs" |
picture |
$22 |
950661 |
5 |
Douglas "Let's Be Friends"
picture | $22 |
950734 | 9 |
Jacob "Wishing For Love" |
picture |
$23 |
950742 |
6 |
Charlie "The Spirit of
Friendship Warms The Heart" |
picture | $25 |
950769 |
5 |
Theo, Sam & Tyler
"Friendship Weathers All Storms" |
picture | $22 |
950777 |
1 |
Angel with
shepherd's staff hanging ornament |
picture | $20 |
950793 |
1 |
Bear On Rocking
Reindeer hanging ornament |
picture | $25 |
950807 |
3 |
Beth "Happy Holidays
"Deer Friend" |
picture |
$28 |
951005 |
2 |
Store Signage / Hamilton
Gifts, Limited |
picture |
$22 |
951129 |
1 |
Steven "A
season filled with sweetness" bear with gingerbread figurine |
picture |
$21 |
951196 |
2 |
Theodore, Sam &
Tyler - 9 inches |
picture | $140 |
951226a |
2 |
Bear with holly on red
hat/bow/mittens |
picture |
$17 |
0.8 |
951226b |
2 |
Bear with green
stocking cap & scarf ornament |
picture |
$17 |
0.8 |
951226c |
2 |
Bear with red
stocking cap |
picture |
$17 |
0.8 |
951226 |
Sister with boots - mini |
picture |
$17 |
951226b |
Sister with bow - mini |
$17 |
978841 |
6 |
Mom with
kids "It's Moments Like These That Are
Meant To Be Cherished" |
picture |
$20 |
978930 |
3 |
Dora &
Roland "Friends Are There To Comfort Each
Other" blanket/teddie St. Jude's figurine |
picture |
$25 |
979279 |
4 |
Karen &
Jeff "Sometimes The Road Can Be Bumpy So
Just Keep Peddling Away" benefits the Scleroderma Research Foundation |
picture |
$25 |
0000802 |
2 |
Nothing Is
Sweeter Than You bear with heart-shaped box of chocolates (Q2) |
picture |
$15 |
0000811 |
2 |
"Shop Til You Drop" - Girl Holding Cell Phone
and Shopping |
picture |
$22 |
0000818 |
2 |
Devon - Dream A
Little Dream |
picture |
$25 |
4000665 |
0 |
Terry &
Pudsey "A Silver Jubilee Worth
Celebrating" |
picture | $62 |
4001253 |
0 |
Evie "Having Fun
Under the Sun" exclusive available only
for signing up for a 2 year membership |
picture | $28 |
4001300 |
1 |
"Though We Must Part, You're Still In My Heart"
picture |
$20 |
4001914 |
1 |
Fran &
Hank "You're a Perfect Catch" |
picture |
$30 |
4003884 |
4 |
Frank "You
Make Everyday An Outback Adventure"
picture |
$26 |
4023650 |
3 |
Star Bright, A
Christmas Wish I Make Tonight angel with stars hanging ornament |
picture |
$24 |
4023745 |
5 |
May Your Peaceful
Blessings Be Yours - angel ornament |
picture |
$20 |
4026097 |
1 |
Tooth Fairy with
Wand Covered Box |
picture |
$25 |
4029546 |
1* |
"Brighten Your Spirit With Christmas Joy"
Limited Edition 600 figurines |
picture |
$68 |
4032520 |
1 |
"Setting Sail For Sunny Days" |
picture |
$30 |
4034208 |
1 |
Aubrey "Happiness
Is In A Summer's Day" |
picture picture |
$30 |
4034593 |
1 |
Selma -
bear riding sled with Christmas tree "Sleigh Bells Ring While Glad Hearts Sing" |
picture |
$40 |
239720 |
1 |
Sparkles January bear with
gemstome |
picture |
$8 |
239747 |
2 |
Sparkles February bear with
gemstone |
picture |
$8 |
239771 |
1 no box |
Sparkles April bear with gemstone |
picture |
$8 |
239801 |
1 |
Sparkles June bear with gemstone |
picture |
$8 |
302759 |
7 |
Key mini bear |
picture |
$7 |
302759 |
5 |
Locket mini bear |
picture |
$7 |
477036a |
1 |
School days - mini figure girl
with apple & flag |
picture |
$7 |
477036b |
1 |
School days - mini figurine - boy
with book & apple |
picture |
$7 |
476773 |
6* |
World's Greatest Mom |
picture |
$7 |
503711 |
1 |
World's Greatest Grandma |
picture |
$7 |
703738 |
1 |
World's Greatest Nana |
picture |
$7 |
916358 |
3* |
Bear in bonnet with duck |
picture |
$7 |
916358 |
3* |
Bear in dress with pull toy
rabbit |
picture |
$7 |
916358 |
5* |
Bear with daisy |
picture |
$7 |
916382 |
1 pink* 2 beige* |
Bear with cat "You're Purr-fect" |
picture |
$7 |
916382B |
2* |
Bear with pillow "Hugs &
Kisses" |
picture |
$7 |
916382C |
1 |
Bear with pillow "Love Ya" |
picture |
$7 |
CRT065 |
4 |
1995 Membership Club Key Lapel
pin |
picture |
$5 |
CRT124 |
6 |
1996 Membership club pin |
picture |
$5 |
CRT279 |
6 |
1997 Membership club pin |
picture |
$5 |
708437C |
2000 Cherished Teddies Membear
pin |
824313C |
2 |
2021 Cherished Teddies Charter
Club Member lapel pin |
picture |
CRT442 |
1998 Cherished Teddies necklace |
$5 |
CRT001 |
4 |
Cub E. Bear - 1995 |
picture |
$15 |
CT008 |
1 |
Tristan "A good-natured bear
& a hard-working gardener" - 2002 Symbol of
Membership |
picture |
$27 |
CT021 |
1 |
Savanah "Tends her garden with
lots of patience & understanding" - 2002
Membears' Only figurine |
picture picture |
$30 |
CT022 |
1 |
Dolores "Uses her garden as a
brief, but wonderful, escape" |
picture picture |
$28 |
CT0031 |
1 |
Eileen - a little swimmer with
big dreams - 2003 Membears' Only figurine |
picture |
$25 |
CT0032 |
1 |
Mick "Makes it his business to
help plan the picnic party menu" - 2003
Membears' Only figurine |
picture |
$29 |
CT0041 |
1 |
Wade "Hope to be a winner in the
game of love" - 2004 Membears' Only figurine |
picture |
$25 |
CT0043 |
2 |
Hilary & Kurtis "Celebrating
their dedicated love & happiness" - 2004
Membears' Only figurine |
picture |
$38 |
CT0051a |
1 |
Neal "Always willing to share his
things with those he cares about" - 2005
Membears' Only figurine |
picture |
$22 |
CT0052 |
0 |
Tommy & Eddie "No adventure
is too great or small" - 2005 Membears' Only
figurine |
picture |
$40 |
CRT102 |
5 |
R Harrison Hartford - red pencil,
Charter membership figurine |
picture |
$20 |
CT102M |
Complete membership kit -
includes R. Harrison Hartford (red pencil),
CRT124 club pin, CRT122 backdrop of Hartford
Printing Co, Fire House No 1 and Bakery |
picture |
$35 |
CT003 |
1 |
Lloyd |
picture |
$21 |
CT103 |
5 |
Lloyd |
picture |
$21 |
CT003M |
Complete membership kit -
includes 1997 Membership figure Lloyd, CRT279
club pin, CRT289 backdrop of Cherished Teddies
Town Depot, 1997 catalog |
picture picture |
$35 |
CT104 |
1 |
Dr. Darlene Makebetter membership
kit - includes figurine, pin and backdrop |
picture |
$18 |
CT004 |
Dr. Darlene Makebetter |
picture |
$20 |
CT105 |
5 year membership kit - includes
Lanny figurine, #5 mini bear & club pin |
picture picture |
CRT109 |
25 |
Town Tattler Sign - 95 event
exclusive |
picture |
$5 |
CRT240 |
9 |
Two bears on bench - 96 event
exclusive |
picture |
$7 |
CT107 |
T. James Bear - 2001 Membership
figurine |
picture |
$18 |
CT108 |
2 |
2002 Charter membership kit -
includes Tristan figurine + planter |
picture picture picture |
$45 |
CT0111 |
1 |
2005 club kit - includes thermal
lunch bag, plush bear, CT0111 Late amd 4001253
Evoe |
picture |
$50 |
CT951 |
1 |
Mayor Wilson T. Beary |
picture |
$17 |
CT952 |
6 |
Hilary Hugabear |
picture |
$17 |
CT953 |
Town Tattler Nightlight |
picture picture |
$25 |
CT961 |
Kurtis D. Klaw |
picture |
$18 |
CT962 |
7 |
Emily E. Claire |
picture |
$18 |
CT972 |
10 |
Eleanor P. Beary |
picture |
$18 |
CT972 |
10 |
Bernard & Beatrice |
picture |
$22 |
CT981 |
12 |
Lela Nightingale |
picture |
$15 |
CT982 |
10 |
Wade Weathersby |
picture |
$15 |
CT983 |
Town Accessory Set - includes
mailbox, lamppost & water fountain - 1998
Membears' Only accessories |
picture |
$20 |
CT991 |
Walter - 1999 Membears' Only
figurine |
picture |
$22 |
CT993 |
4 |
Letty - 1999 Member's Only
figurine |
picture |
$19 |
CT994 |
2 |
Five Teddies on a Float - 5th
Anniversary 1999 Membears' Only figurine |
picture |
$60 |
CT1201 |
1 |
Blythe "Your Friendship Is the
Best of All" |
picture |
$45 |
CT1202 |
1 |
Bette "Priceless is a Friendship
in Bloom" |
picture |
$45 |
117298 |
1 |
Vivienne - an adorable majorette
who has 3 cheers for love - 2004 Club Exclusive |
picture |
$25 |
117299 |
1 |
A cherished friend we're glad you
can attend - 2004 Club Exclusive |
picture |
$25 |
297550 |
2 |
Blaire Beary - 1997 Club Special
Edition |
picture |
$42 |
601659 |
4 |
Neil "One Small Step for Love,
One Giant Leap for Friendship" (astronaut) -
2000 Club Exclusive |
picture |
$27 |
631345 |
2 |
Ray - 1999 Customer Appreciation
figurine - popcorn stand "Special Treats Make Life Complete" |
picture |
$75 |
685747C |
1 |
Gloria Growlette - 2000 Charter
member |
picture |
$35 |
685771 |
4 |
Marco Pawlini Bearector 2000 Charter Membear |
picture |
$20 |
685968 |
Audrey D. Zeiner 2000 Surprise Membears' Only figurine |
picture |
$30 |
685976 |
Brad Wheeler as Troy McBear 2000 Membears' Only figurine |
picture |
$30 |
731765 |
1 |
Ricky McBear - 2000 Get Membear
figurine |
picture |
824291 |
3 |
Mystery Bear - 2001 Club
Exclusive give |
picture |
$21 |
CRT004 |
2 |
Through the Years - Growing Up
with Cherished Teddies |
picture |
$40 |
CRT009 |
Celebrate Valentine's Day |
picture |
$5 |
CRT013 |
1 |
Nursery Rhymes Backdrop + base (9
lbs) |
picture |
$25 |
CRT014 |
1* |
Our Cherished Family -
house-shaped wood display |
$13 |
CRT016 |
Our Cherished Family |
picture |
CRT023 |
The Teddies Christmas Carol |
picture |
$15 |
CRT064 |
Cherished Teddies Town backdrop |
picture |
$15 |
CRT067 |
Mayor Wilson T. Beary |
picture |
CRT076 |
2 |
Santa's Workshop displayer
(includes base) |
picture picture |
$30 |
CRT083 |
We Bear Thanks |
picture |
$15 |
CRT096 |
Sweetheart Ball resin display |
picture |
$40 |
CRT101 |
T is for Teddy - wooden shelf
used with 158488 letter blocks |
picture |
$70 |
CRT111 |
Picket Fence |
picture |
$20 |
CRT122 |
Cherished Teddies Town - Hartford
Printing Co, Firehouse, Bakery |
picture |
$10 |
CRT136 |
Kurtis D. Claw & Emily E.
Claire |
$5 |
CRT227 |
A Cherished Teddies Merry
Christmas |
picture |
$25 |
CRT228 |
Blossoms of Friendship |
picture |
$10 |
CRT230 |
Love Letters Displayer |
picture |
$10 |
CRT233 |
By The Sea |
picture |
$30 |
CRT234 |
Across the Seas |
picture |
$20 |
CRT289 |
Cherished Teddies Town Depot |
picture |
$12 (includes shipping) |
CRT334 |
2 |
Winter Bear Festival |
picture |
$25 |
CRT335 |
2 |
Mini Mug - Figure Plate Rack |
picture |
$30 |
CRT446 |
Town Teddie Care Center &
Ambulance backdrop |
picture |
$5 |
CRT727 |
Gift to God - rodney |
picture |
$5 |
107037 |
Angels So Graceful with base |
picture |
$10 |
114105 |
Lewis & Clark - Trail of
Discovery |
picture |
$7 |
302589 |
2 |
Happily Ever After |
picture |
$20 |
662062 |
1 |
Friends Collection |
picture |
$18 |
664669 |
1 |
Buttons & Bows Victorian
Gazebo |
picture |
$10 |
790214 |
Days of the Week |
picture |
$15 |
916382 |
Can't Bear Being Without You
backdrop |
picture |
$5 |
353914 |
1 |
Girl with blanket votive
candleholder |
picture |
$18 |
353922 |
1 |
Girl with basket votive
candleholder |
picture |
$18 |
353949 |
2 |
Boy leaning on tree trunk votive
candleholder |
picture |
$18 |
353957 |
1 |
Girl with pine cones candle
holder |
picture |
$18 |
353965 |
Boy with basket votive
candleholder |
picture |
$18 |
353973 |
5 |
Girl leaning on tree trunk with
pinecones - votive candleholder |
picture |
$18 |
651419 |
3* |
Candle Huggers "Joy and "Noel" |
picture |
$15 |
781193 |
1 |
Candle Topper - boy with kite and
bird house in waterglobe |
picture |
$18 |
Old Fashioned Toys |
![]() |
662267 - Bear on horse |
$20 |
![]() |
662275-Q7 | Bear on elephant |
$20 |
![]() |
742740 - Bear on lamb |
$20 |
![]() |
737399 - Bear on bunny |
$20 |
![]() |
737380 - Bear in
sailboat |
$20 |
Limited Edition &
Miscellaneous |
![]() |
549967 - set/4
Green, White & pink ribbons plus Limited Edition blue bear |
Blue $37 Others $25/each Complete set/4 $100 |
2 sets |
![]() |
25221-Q3 | Alice -
1995 |
$45 |
25249 |
Dakin picture |
$20 |
![]() |
597317-Q3 |
Ava - embroidered pink
heart/ribbon 1999 Avon exclusive |
$12 |
![]() |
790702-Q3 |
Baby block bear |
$7 |
541222-Q1 |
Bear with red ribbon & heart |
$7 |
![]() |
516562-Q6 |
Bear with peach dotted
ribbon 'Karen" |
$7 |
![]() |
516562-Q6 |
Bear with white ribbon
"Sara" |
$7 |
![]() |
516562-Q6 |
Bear with white dotted
ribbon "Jacki" |
$7 |
798827-Q1 |
Beatrice - bumble bee
bear |
$25 |
811971-Q1 |
Blue jean vest bear
with yellow t-shirt; Homecoming Collector Plush |
$25 |
06238 |
Bobbie - A Little
Friendship to Share "I'll Always Be Your
Teddy" (Dakin) |
$28 |
794406 |
Buddy snowman |
$25 |
823141-Q1 |
Bunny Love
1.1 |
![]() |
689653-Q1 |
Canadian bear -
embroidered Maple Leaf flag picture |
$12 |
790605-Q2 |
$25 |
Elsa "I'll always
be here for you" small mohair bear with
fabric heart on chest, blue ribbon on arm
(small) |
5.5" $18 12" $50 |
649155-Q1 |
Jennifer &
John |
$49 |
798479 |
snowman |
$25 |
662321-Q3 |
New Years Bears -
Cherish the New, Cherish the Old picture |
$30/set |
Norman "We'll
always be special friends" picture |
$39 |
103705-Q1 |
$106 |
![]() |
610585-Q3 |
Santa bear |
$7 |
![]() |
790257-Q4 |
Sports bear -
Baseball |
$7 |
![]() |
790723 |
Sports bear -
Basketball |
$7 |
![]() |
790303-Q3 | Sports bear -
Soccer |
$7 |
![]() |
66696-Q6 |
St. Jude bear Love is the beary best bedtime story |
$10 |
![]() |
505374-Q1 |
T-shirt bear
"Best Friends" |
$7 |
![]() |
505331-Q2 |
T-shirt bear
"Love Me" |
$7 |
06045-Q1 |
Tyler (Dakin) |
$20 |
![]() |
662291-Q4 |
Val - bear in red
dress |
$35 |
25214 |
Winter Theodore - with
hat/scarf picture |
$35 |
352764 |
The Season of Magic -
dated 1996 |
$35 - 1.8 lbs |
114901 |
![]() |
Jack & Jill - Our
Friendship Will Never Tumble |
$35 |
156493 |
![]() |
96 Mother's Day -
A Mother's Heart is Full of Love |
$35 |
156590 |
![]() |
Easter 96 - Some Bunny
Loves You |
$35 |
176060 |
![]() |
96 Christmas -
Snow angel with birds "The Season of Peace" |
$35 |
203025 |
![]() |
97 Mother's Day - Our
Love Is Ever-Blooming |
$35 |
151998 |
![]() |
Little Jack Horner -
I'm Plum Happy You're My Friend |
$35 |
145033 |
![]() |
Little Miss Muffet -
I'm Never Afraid With You By My Side |
$35 |
141550 |
![]() |
95 Christmas - girl in
green dress - "The Season of Joy" |
$35 |
203009 |
![]() |
97 Easter - Springtime
Happiness |
$35 |
164658 |
![]() |
Little Bo Peep -
Looking For a Friend Like You |
$35 |
170968 |
![]() |
Mother Goose - Happily
Ever After With Friends |
$35 |
170941 |
![]() |
|Wee Willie Winkle -
Good Night, Sleep Tight |
$35 |
CTD01 |
![]() |
Toymaker Bear |
$10 |
CTD02 |
![]() |
Bear with deer |
$10 |
CTD03 |
![]() |
Bear on polar bear |
$10 |
CTD04 |
![]() |
Santa bear - green background |
$10 |
CTD05 |
![]() |
Santa bear - blue background |
$10 |
CTD06 |
![]() |
Bear couple in winter scene |
$10 |
CTD07 |
![]() |
Bear in red coat/scarf |
$10 |
CTD08 |
![]() |
Bear angel |
$10 |
CTD09 |
![]() |
Bear in green coat & fur muff |
$10 |
281263 |
"Cherish the Joy" - bear at cupboard |
$15 |
400793 |
Bear in engineer's cap riding in wagon
with presents, duck & train |
$15 |
401196 |
Bear in "Santa Express" train engine |
$15 |
406627 |
Bear in Christmas apron with tray of
cookies sitting in picnic basket |
$15 |
406635 |
Two bears in sleigh |
$15 |
406473 |
Two bears having a tea party |
$15 |
FRAMES | ||||
104191 |
![]() |
Boy Communion "My Special Day" (Q2) |
$20 |
128066 |
Mommy & Me |
$25 |
128074 |
Daddy & Me |
$25 |
128082 |
My Buddy & Me |
$25 |
128112 |
Jack & Jill |
$35 |
128120 |
My Cherished Family |
$25 |
135755 |
Cherished Mom |
$25 |
136182 |
![]() |
Girl Communion "My Special Day" |
$20 |
203920 |
Baby |
$23 |
617210 |
Visit to Santa |
$20 |
624934 |
![]() |
Birth Record Frame |
$20 |
675733 |
Ballerina |
$15 |
906700 |
Girl in stocking 1992 (no box) |
$25 |
911712 |
![]() |
Sky So Blue - girl praying |
$20 |
911720 |
![]() |
Friend That's True - boy praying |
$20 |
CRT235 - Sweet
Treats Cookbook |
$15 |
1 lb |
![]() |
272132 -
Nutcracker |
$90 |
4.5 lbs shipping wt |
2 |
161292 - Girl with
Tea Set Water Pitcher |
* |
161314 - Tea Pot -
Down Strawberry Lane |
$48 |
901164 - Plate -
Down Strawberry Lane Q1 |
$39 |
Cookie Jar Down
Strawberry Lane #161306 (Q1) |
Tea Time Clock
#132977 - Q1 |
$50 |
Lamp Finials
#135283 choice of (Q2) - bear with sailboat - bear in bonnet - bear on rocking horse |
$10/each |
Apron CRT707 - Kiss
the Cook; bear barbequeing hamburger
picture |
Bank #470481 - Bear
wearing 1-2-3 shirt (1*) |
$10 |
Bank #470546 - Bear
wearing overalls with heart (1*) |
$10 |
1 |
Bank #699330 -
Quilts of Friendship - Baby with block |
* |
Jigsaw Puzzle - 48
pieces, 138 x 160 mm (Q6) CRT424 |
0.5 |
Keepsake box -
Teddies in international scenes (Q1) |
1.1 |
Lapel Pin -
Personalized "R" (203297R) |
$5 |
#203947 Nightlight
- Baby; plugs into outlet (picture) |
Q2 |
Salt & Pepper
Shakers - Bear with Polar Bear #178349 (Q1) |
1.1 |
T-shirt, size Large, "Sharing Our Hearts With The Children of St. Jude 2000" never worn picture | $5 | ||
![]() |
Scrapbook papers "Cherished Holidays" - includes 16 acid-free sheets for memory albums & paper crafts picture | $5 | |
Valentine Greetings
- 5 cardboard punch outs with envelopes
#916552 picture |
$10 |
q1 |
Pin & Earring
set, Halloween
#141720 picture |
$5 |
q1 |
Pin & earring set "Holiday
Cheer" picture |
$5 |
Pin celebrating 5 year anniversary
of Cherished Teddies picture |
$1 |
Pin - By the Sea with Cherished
Teddies picture |
$1 |
Pin - picture of Christopher
picture |
$1 |
Cloisonne pin - Celebrating 5
Cherished Years picture |
$2 |
Pin - picture of Caleb &
Friends picture |
$1 |
Pin - Class Reunion 1993 - Old
Friends Always Find Their Way Back picture |
$1 |
Pin - I'm a Marvelous Membear!
picture |
$1 |
Pin - Across The
Seas (picture) |
$1 |
Pin - Honey
bear (picture) |
$1 |
Pin - Cherishd
Teddies Event March 22, 1997 with Priscilla
Hillman (picture) |
$1 |
Pin - Two bears
(picture) |
$1 |
Pin (Sterling
Silver) Celebrating 5 Years (picture) |
$25 |
Pin - Benny "Let's
Ride Through Life Together" (picture) |
$1 |
Postcards - 4
international scenes |
$5 (includes shipping) |
![]() |
Key chain - plastic life preserver
"Celebrating Five Cherished Years" |
$1 |
Oven/barbeque mitt
- Kiss the Cook; bear barbequeing a
hamburger picture (see matching apron) |
![]() |
Pot Holder - bear with pot of
honey |
$4 |
Post-its pad "Love surrounds our
friendship" picture |
Sunglasses |
$2 |
Toybox Teddies
354155 - Shelley the Shape Bear - includes
book (2*) |
$5 |
709 1st Ave South
Humboldt, IA 50548
Phone (714)541-1050E-mail your inquiries by clicking on
this line